[12] Welcome to Friendship

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[12] Welcome to Friendship

Montey's Point of View

It's Wednesday now, Saturday night is homecoming. That means four days, well more like three and a half since it's already halfway through Wednesday.

I sit at our normal lunch table, which seemed to have grown oddly enough. There was the regulars, Thresh Darius Madge Katniss Gale and I, but then we had three extra people. There was Peeta, who was sitting next to Katniss and smiling contently. Then there was Zora, she sat next to Thresh but didn't say much because she's shy. Then there's an extra person sitting next to me, my best friend Sarah.

The table was practically in overflow mode, I was squished between Darius and Sarah, but it was fun. Gale and Thresh kept joking with Peeta, who was too much of a idiot to even get the jokes. Sarah and Darius were trying to kill me by counting to three and then both of them leaning on me, it was a painful and hilarious situation at the same time. Katniss and Madge chatted and sometimes tried to bring Foxface into the conversation, but she just nodded or shrugged whenever they did.

"Sarah, Darius, you guys are killing me!" I laughed as I was squished, again.

"Good!" Sarah said in a evil voice. Darius just laughed.

Ms.Coin, our strict vice principle, announced that we could go outside in the courtyard or to the library if we wanted, though she also ranted about recycling. Thresh went to the library with Zora, Peeta and Darius went outside to play basketball. That left Madge Gale Sarah Katniss and I. I could feel the awkwardness coming off of Gale and Madge.

"So Kat," Sarah said, wiggling her eyebrows. "Peeta was sitting next to you."

"Yea, I was about to ask about that." I added. Katniss blushed slightly.

"Well, um, I'm going to homecoming with him." Katniss stuttered. Katniss + Peeta..... Oh.My.God.

"D'awwwwwwwww!" I let out. It was too adorable. Yes, I was super soft when it came to cute couples. Katniss hid her face in her arms. Gale chuckled.

"What about you, Gale?" Katniss asked, seemingly a bit hesitant to ask. "You going with someone?"

"Meh, I'll just.. I don't know, I'll go with your guys's group I guess. I'll just feel like the-" Gale counted on his fingers for a moment- "I think ninth wheel."

"Well there'll be plenty of rejected girls at the dance." Sarah pointed out. I gave her a look.

"Lovely thoughts." I pointed out sarcastically, Sarah just rolled her eyes.

"Yea, whatever." Gale said, obviously disheartened.

Then the fire alarm went off.

A couple scattered squeals of surprise came from a few girls, and complaints could be heard from people who didn't want to have a fire drill in the middle of lunch. I just sighed and stood up, followed by the others at the table. We all began our shuffle towards the field.

As we reached the field we went over our normal protocol. We stood in our lines for our first period classes and waited for the teacher to mark us as here. Then, as always, the teachers began chatting and we were able to break our perfect lines to chat with others.

I found my way over to Sarah and Darius, who were both in Mr.Beetee's class first for computer lab. Katniss followed behind me. As we assembled, I found myself unable to focus. Oh please no. I begged to my mind silently. But no amount of pleading would stop it now.

I giggled aimlessly as I jumped about, bugging everyone. Most people would call this a sugar rush or something, but it was like what most people I know would call a 'Spazz-attack' . I rarely ever had them, just random times when I would feel the millions of cans of caffinated drinks FINALLY catch up to me. For once I would be awake and laughing.

"Montey, CALM DOWN." Sarah spaced out her words as I bounced by her. I simply bubbled and shook my head.

I bounced over to Darius, who seemed amused by my hyperness. "Hey gurl hey." I said in my epic diva voice. "I heard once that gingers have no souls, and at first I was like 'What the F? No duh, a ginger is a spice.' Then I realized they were talking about redheads and I was like 'NoOoO, Dar-dar has a soul I think' and then I began think of what it would be like to have no soul. Where is the soul anyways? Is it next to your kidney? Kidneeeeyyyyyysss! Yum! Wait, no, I promise I'm not a cannible. But I dunno, you never know whats actually in the school lunches. I-"

"Montey!" Darius interrupted me. I blinked at him, now silent. "I mean this in the nicest way possible, but please, Shut. Up."

I took off my glasses and put them on his face. "Haha! You look good in glasses!" I laughed. "Now gimme my glasses back, I can't see!"

"Too bad." Darius said, turning his head so I couldn't grab the glasses. After about two minutes of me trying to grab the glasses, Sarah finally surprise attacked Darius and swiped the glasses off his face. She handed them to me and I had a random thought.

"Hey, you're like that fox from Dora!" I said, excited about the sudden comparason to a children's show. Sarah face palmed.

"Is this normal?" Katniss asked no one in paticular. I giggled.

"Yes, yes it is." I replied before cracking up laughing. Now you guys see why I think I'm insane.

A/N: Hiya! My bestie Sarah or @DaPigz, is guest starring in this chaptererer!
So I has a question to you guys. I feel like starting another story, but I'm curious as of what you guys really want to read. I'm not one of those people who writes whatever I think'll get the most reads, but I have about ten different story ideas and I'm wondering which one you guys want. Do you want another HG fan-fic, if so a serious one or a humorous one? Or do you want a original story by me? Something else?

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