[6] Welcome to Normal High School Conversations

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[6] Welcome to Normal High School Conversations

Gale's Point of View

We all sat on Katniss's floor again, Montey and Darius punching each others arms, Madge trying to get anymore information out of Katniss, and Thresh observing some of the posters on the wall. I sat and listened to people's conversations, not knowing what else to do.

"HEY! Wait a minute!" Montey suddenly shouted, we all turned towards her. "Why aren't we shopping for homecoming? Isn't it next weekend?"

"It's Friday, we have all weekend." Madge shrugged. "And plus the only one with a date is Thresh."

Montey gave him a 'OMG REALLY?' look. "WHO ARE YOU GOING WITH???" Montey shouted. Thresh seemed slightly frazzled by the yelling.

"Um, well, I asked Zergeort hmh pth..." Thresh mumbled, looking slightly embarrassed. Darius yelled at him to speak up. Thresh took a deep breath. "I'm going with Zora."

There was a series of 'Awwwww's and 'Why are you going with Foxface?'s. I didn't think that it was a bad couple. It was true though, that he was the only one with a date. I didn't know who to ask, but I had to go, this was my senior year. These guys weren't my main group of friends, but I did enjoy hanging around them, and I was one of the oldest, so it was a tad weird to not have a date.

"Well, we're still all going. If we find dates, then great. Either way we're going." Madge shrugged.

"Wait, Katniss, do you even know what we're talking about?" Darius suddenly asked. Katniss blinked once or twice.

"Um, from what I've gathered it's a dance thingy, right?" Katniss asked. We all nodded. "And you need a date?" She clarified.

"Not really, it's something that you're suppose to have a date for, but you don't necessarily have to." Madge explained. Katniss nodded.

"Well, we should go as a group." I decided. There was a chorus of 'Yea' and 'Fine'.

"Can we turn on music?" Thresh asked. I gave him a weird look, he didn't seem like the type that would like music all that much.

"Yea, any preference?" Madge asked, standing. Thresh shook his head. "How 'bout Paramore?"

"Who?" Katniss asked. Montey looked slightly offended, I know how she is with certain bands.

"They're a band. That one." I pointed to a Paramore poster on her wall, she peered at it, then shrugged. 'Monster' turned on, and immediately Darius and Montey began to scream the lyrics at the top of their lungs. I cringed as they tried to get the lyrics right, messing up in some places.

"Okay,stop it." Katniss snapped. I laughed. The music was turned down to the point where it was just background noise, and we all gathered back in our circle.

"Should we try and get dates? I mean, Thresh and Gale are seniors this year." Montey pointed out. I shrugged.

"I don't really care." I said. I could've sworn for a moment I saw Madge's eyes flash with disappointment, but as fast as it came, it was gone. Thresh shrugged as well.

"I have a date." Thresh reminded us.

As Darius was about to mention something, there was suddenly a vibration on the floor. Katniss jumped slightly, but Madge quickly pulled her phone out of her pocket. She checked the screen and sighed.

"It's my dad, he says I need to get home. There's a stupid meeting tonight and he wants me to take care of mom." Madge explained, scrambling up.

"Is your dad the mayor here too?" Katniss asked. Madge just nodded before mumbling a quick goodbye. Within seconds she was out the door. Montey stood next.

"I should probably head out too." Montey sighed. Darius suddenly hopped up.

"I'll walk with you, my house is that way anyways." Darius smiled. I gave him a suspicious glare, he just shrugged. Montey smiled slightly.

In the next five minutes, Montey and Darius had left, and Thresh had left as well. That left me and Katniss. I leaned back against the side of Katniss's bed, and sighed.

"Did Madge seem okay to you? She seemed to be acting weird." I asked. Katniss gave me a 'You stupid?' look. "What?" I asked dumbly.

"You're still as oblivious here as you were at home." Katniss chuckled lightly. I blinked at her. "She wanted you to ask her to the dance you idiot." Katniss sighed.

"Madge? She hates me." I said. Katniss just rolled her eyes.

"It's pretty obvious that she likes you, actually." Katniss said. I shook my head. She just rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, I should get going." I said, dismissing the conversation. I stood and straightened my clothes. "Later." I waved goodbye.

"Bye." Katniss said. I turned to leave, but she said something that made me turn back for a moment. "Oh, and Gale, careful with Madge. If you hurt her, then I'll hurt you."

I nodded stiffly. "Good to know. Bye."

A/N: Just a filler chapter, but whatever. What do you guys think of the Thresh/Foxface pairing? How 'bout the adorable Madge/Gale pair? :3 Okay, don't forget to comment, fan, and vote!

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