[19] Welcome to a World of Cute :3

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[19] Welcome to a World of Cute :3

Gale's Point of View

The gym was full of dancing people, the loud music pulsed throughout the room. Sarah was next to me, a smile on her face. Marvel was taking Madge onto the dance floor, I watched with a heavy heart.

"Gale!" A voice called from behind me, I turned to see Amanda and her date- Danny I think his name was- coming towards me. I was in math with Danny last year, I remember Mr.Beetee teasing him good-naturedly about being so tall, and cracking a blond joke towards him every once in a while.

"Amanda, right?" Sarah asked Amanda. She nodded.

"I love your dress!" Sarah gushed. The dress was topaz colored, a black strip going across the top and bottom of it. It had straps about a inch thick, and went just above her knees. A sliver necklace with blue pearls, topaz and silver earrings, black bangle bracelets, and strappy open toed topaz shoes. She had on topaz eyeshadow that blended to a darker blue. Her hair was curled and pinned back from her face.

"Thanks, you look awesome too!" Amanda smiled at Sarah. She turned back to me. "So, let me guess, you don't dance?"

"Yup." I replied. "I don't do any of that performing stuff like you do."

"Heh, well you don't have any curtains to control here, and you have a date," Amanda pointed out. "So I think you should probably dance."

"I'm his fake date." Sarah pointed out. Amanda gave us a weird look. I sighed and filled her in on the Madge-situation.

"Wow Gale, who would've thought you're a big softy?" Amanda chuckled. I rolled my eyes. "Well, good luck with that."

The song changed then, and Amanda perked up before grabbing Danny's hand. "Oh my gosh I love this song!" She cheered. "Later, Gale!" She called, dragging Danny onto the dance floor.

I sighed. I really don't dance.

"Hey, Gale," Sarah poked me. "Isn't that Madge?" She pointed towards the corner of the gym, where the blonde sat glumly at one of the few over-decorated tables.

"Yea," I replied to Sarah. "That is Madge."

"What are you just standing there for?!" Sarah pushed me towards the corner. "Go get 'er!"

"Okay, okay," I chuckled.

I weaved through the crowd so I could get to Madge, stopping a few feet from the table she sat at. Gathering my nerves, I sat down at the chair next to her. She looked over at me, surprised.

"Hey," I said just loud enough to be heard over the music. "What's wrong?"

Madge sighed, biting her lip. "I should've never said yes to Marvel." She admitted. I ignore the urge to find Marvel and punch him, deciding to do that later.

"It's okay, Madge," I say, smiling at her. "There's always another person willing to dance with you."

"Who?" Madge snapped.

"Me, duh." I said. "I've wanted to dance with you all night."

"But you came with Sarah, didn't you?" Madge asked.

"Yea, but she came as my fake date." I pointed out. Madge gave me a weird look. "I'll explain later." I chuckled.

The song changed, a slower song turning on now. I remember it from the countless times Montey and Our-World-Katniss have sung it at the top of their lungs. Hero by Enrique Inglesias. I turn to Madge, who seems to have brightened up a bit more.

I offer her my hand, a smile on my lips. "Can I have this dance?"

A/N: POP! That's the sound of my head exploding with cuteness :3
So, more votes for Homecoming queen/king welcomed. What would be MadgeXGale couple name? Gadge? Male? XD

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