O quarto dos ex-inquilinos.(The ex-tenants' room.)

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Eu morei em uma casa meio macabra. Era alugada e o dono usava um dos quartos para guardar móveis que eram deixados por ex-inquilinos. Esse quarto estava sempre trancado, mas só de olhar pra porta eu tinha arrepios.

Uma vez, eu estava limpando meu quarto, e eu dormia em um colchão que ficava no chão, em cima de um tapete, não tinha cama. Eu levantei o colchão, que era de casal, muito pesado, e encostei ele em pé, no batente da porta. O colchão ficou metade para dentro e metade para fora do quarto. Retirei o tapete do chão e fiquei de costas para o colchão para pendurar o tapete na janela. Na hora em que me virei, o colchão estava exatamente na posição em que ele ficava no chão. Não havia forma de ele simplesmente ter caído na posição certinha (fiz vários testes), fora que eu teria ouvido o barulho dele caído ou sentido o vento. Quando olhei pro corredor, a porta do tal quarto estava aberta e eu sequer tinha a chave."

English Version

I lived in a macabre house. It was rented and the owner used one of the rooms to store furniture that was left by former tenants. This room was always locked, but just looking at the door made me shiver.

Once, I was cleaning my room, and I slept on a mattress that was on the floor, on top of a rug, there was no bed. I lifted the mattress, which was a double, very heavy, and leaned it upright, against the doorframe. The mattress was half in and half out of the room. I removed the rug from the floor and stood with my back to the mattress to hang the rug by the window. When I turned around, the mattress was exactly where it was on the floor. There was no way he could have just landed in the right position (I did several tests), other than that I would have heard his noise or felt the wind. When I looked into the hall, the door to that room was open and I didn't even have a key. "

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