20 | irie antis

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also making an eren x reader 👀
lmk if ur intrested n ill publish it 😩


Today the coaches had taken us to the beach to practice beach volleyball, something about building endurance and stamina which I thought was a great idea since sand is difficult to move in.

The other day Tsukishima and I planned to tick off Irie today just so she gets a hint because last night during dinner which seems like the most chaotic time since she hugged him without a bra on while rubbing herself onto his arm which freaked him out. Not gonna lie I laughed when I saw what happened but cringed from the second hand embarrassment I got, even if Tsukishima and I weren't actually dating it's common sense to not go for someone who's in a relationship, common sense that clearly did not get through Irie's big head.

"So just act all lovey dovey?"I say quietly to Tsukishima who was helping me carry heavy coolers filled with cold drinks. Tsukishima nods as he adjusted the blue cooler on his right arm, I wasn't stuggling at all and I was actually carrying two. I could hear Kuroo and Tanaka gushing about how defined my biceps were from behind us which was a little funny because I could hear Itsuki taunting the boys about how amazing I am for carrying these big ass coolers without struggle. I never said this before but let's just say Itsuki is kinda my biggest supporter, like the cool aunt who will buy you alcohol if you asked.

The group set up on the sand near the trees where some volleyball courts were. When we were finished unloading the coaches called us over for an announcement.

"Alright as you know today is a beach day, but it's mainly for volleyball and I hear complaints about how there's not enough teams and well..."Itachiyama's coach trailed off and looked off into a distance causing us all to turn around. "I've invited Shiratorizawa for the rest of the time here during the training camp."He finished, I looked to my side and noticed Tsukishima tense up. I moved my gaze toward at the group of giants of pure muscle walking towards us causing my eyes to go wide the moment they all stopped in front of us. "Thank you for the invite."Shiratorizawa all bowed down in unison in thanks "Well shit."Shoyo suddenly cursed next to me.

Itsuki and I watched the boys practice on the sand while the rest of us stood in the shade preparing the bbq for lunch. "Ugh I can't wait to go for a swim, it's fucking hot."Itsuki groaned fanning herself and Kiyoko who was with us nodded in agreement "I can't wait for them to be done so we can all have some fun."I say taking a sip of a cold beverage I got from the cooler, Itsuki put her hands behind her head and looked towards Karasuno's game against Fukurodani. "Is your substitute manager gonna come over and help or something?"Itsuki pointed at Irie who wore her very revealing swimsuit cheering on the sidelines, Kiyoko turned around to look at the girl and I looked past her to get a glimpse.

"I guess not, It's fine though don't tell her I said this but she's not very good at cooking- or in this case grilling."Kiyoko said softly causing Itsuki and I to giggle. Suzumeda and Shirofuku came over with more meat to grill since they had finished with the vegetables, "Oh my god I feel like Irie's tit might actually pop out."Suzumeda laughed a bit while walking with raw meat in her hands, Shirofuku scoffed "Yeah if her tits were actually there."Kiyoko, Suzumeda, and I all look at Shirofuku in shock while Itsuki started laughing her ass off. "Shirofuku that's not nice."I say smiling a bit to hold in my laugh, she rolled her eyes "Come on it was funny, you know you're bout to laugh."Itsuki laughed causing me to break and start giggling.

"So I guess we all aren't very fond of Irie?"Suzumeda questioned us, the girls and I nodded and we turned to Kiyoko who also nodded which suprised us since she seems to find the good in everyone. "Irie's pushed me once because Tsukishima asked me for something and she said she'll do it while pushing me."Kiyoko explained, Itsuki gasped "I'll beat that little bitch up!"My pink haired friend glares at Irie "She's also very bossy but doesn't do shit, she literally dropped her box of equipment she was supposed to carry in the gym to take a phone call from her friend."Shirofuku growled, Irie just seemed like a very awful person at this point.

Almost half an hour passed by and the girls and I sat in the shade to cool off since our coaches said they would take the cooking from here since we all seemed overheated. It was getting hotter and at this point I was about to take off my shirt "That's it I'm fucking stripping."Itsuki said with an irritated tone standing up and taking off her shirt to reveal her swimsuit top. "Same here."The rest of us said in unison and we all took off our shirts including me. "Oh my god you're wearing the swimsuit we got!"Itsuki squealed while pointing at the striped blue bikini top and I smiled while looking at her striped pink bikini top "Oh shit these are so cute!"Suzumeda fawned as she came closer touchinh the straps of my bikini to feel the material "What the hell (Y/N) you're ripped!"Shirofuku gasped while pointing at the abs on my stomach making me cover them with my arms "That's so cool."Kiyoko smiled softly while staring at the hardwork.

We all now wore just our bikini tops and shorts, unknown to us the girls and I who stood underneath the tree the boys playing volleyball had just finished and were now all looking at us, respectfully.

Tsukishima felt his face heat up as he struggled to gulp down the water he was drinking from the shock. "Oh wow (Y/N) is so cool! They're like a sports model!"The orange haired teammate fanboyed "Quit gawking at them and let's go eat."Daichi scolds his teammates while he motioned for them to walk over to the shade. Tsukishima ignored Irie's compliments and just her in general as the blonde haired male immediately walked over to you.

You felt a presence behind you and you turned around to face Tsukishima who stared down at you. "Hey."He said plainly, his breath hitched though as he got a full view of your body. No doubt you had faint abs there and it looked like they didn't plan on going away too soon. You looked from the corner of your eye to see a fuming Irie and you thought to yourself this is perfect.

"Tsukishima do you mind putting sunscreen on my back?"I ask politely, not knowing Tsukishima was taken aback by the sudden question all he did was nod while you handed him the sunscreen. Tying your hair up you look at Irie who seemed to be jealous the whole time which was part of Tsuki and I's plan, hoping she would just give up at this point. You flinched as you felt Tsukishima's warm hands moved from your shoulders slowly to your lower back where your shorts were. "Honestly I can't tell if you're teasing me or Irie at this point."Tsukishima suddenly whispered into your ear causing a shiver to go down your spine which added to the way his hands moved to spread the sunscreen on your back. He rubbed his hands up onto your shoulders massaging them causing you to sigh in pleasure at the feeling "Do you like that?"Tsukishima suddenly said seductively into your ear causing you to stand straight up in shock. Flustered you turn around letting go of your hair to see Tsukishima's smirking at your reaction "You're fucking weird."You say causing Tsukishima to roll his eyes "You liked it though."He says without shame wrapping his arm around your shoulder leading you towards the tables set up, not even caring about how flustered you looked right now.


yall r the hentai protagonists 😩
also stream montero by lil nas 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩


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