Chapter 2

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I sat silently in the uncomfortable chair, on the small ship which I had to share with Nebula.

Usually I'd be happy to go on a mission and get away from Ronan and his ship, however this mission was awful, I was stuck in a tiny ship for a week and it only had two chairs and I was stuck in this small space with Nebula, who hated my guts.

I got frustrated and my empathic abilities lost control, causing me to feel everything Nebula was feeling.

I gasped slightly, not expecting to feel so much pain.

Nebula's feelings was confusing that's for sure.

Nebula seemed to be feeling conflicted about something, she was clearly in pain, there was a lot of anger, then there was the need to prove herself and the final thing she felt that stuck out was love, it shocked me but I decided not to pry any further so I don't know who she felt love towards, I was curious though.

"Was that you?"
Nebula hissed.

I questioned.

"Looking through my head? Is it you?"
Nebula growled.

Another thing I hated about being an empath is that the person who's feelings I could feel, know that someone is looking through there emotions, and in the current situation I'm the only one nearby Nebula so it was obvious I'm going through her head.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help it"
I said honestly.

I felt a slap across my face, without thinking I kicked her in the stomach, which led to a fight on this stupid ship that barely had enough room for this fight which was happening.

I began to feel angry after I received a punch in the side.

"Listen to me you stupid robot, I didn't mean to look at your feelings, it was an accident I can't control it, I don't have control"
I explained.

"I am not a stupid robot"
Nebula scowled, but calmed down.

"You're right, your not, I shouldn't have said that. I know your much more than that"
I replied.

"Please don't tell Ronan of my powers. Nebula I beg of you, you're the only one who knows"
I begged.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't"
Nebula hissed.

"These people you work so hard to impress, they don't give a shit about you, they never will and Ronan is one of those people. You say I'm weak, but your the weak one you can't even decide your own path"
I ranted.

"Neither can you, your still on Ronan's ship when you have no interest in what he does, actually I would say you despise it"
Nebula responded.

"Well then we are both weak"
I finished.

I slid down the wall and sat beside Nebula, who still looked annoyed.

"I'm sorry, I actually didn't mean to look through your feelings, I have no control"
I stated.

Nebula didn't respond.

"Although there was something I saw which got me rather curious"
I added.

Nebula gave me a look which gestured for me to continue.

"I noticed you felt love towards someon-"
I started but was cut off by Nebula giving me a unreadable expression as if she was worried I knew who or something.

"But I didn't see who"
I quickly said.

Nebula looked slightly relieved all though her face didn't reveal too much.

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