Chapter 7

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"You was sat on Gamora's lap, isn't that what girlfriends do?"
Nebula hissed.

"Probably but it wasn't in a girlfriend way"
I replied.

Nebula huffed although I sensed that she felt relieved that it wasn't in a girlfriend way.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you was jealous"
I smirked.

"I am not jealous, why would I be jealous?"
Nebula huffed.

"Maybe you have an undying love for me"
I joked, well half joked.

I mean I said it in a jokey tone but I know she has a crush on me.

"I would rather date Kyle than you"
Nebula lied.

"Oh well me and him will swap rooms then"
I snickered and got up to leave.

Nebula growled.

I laughed at her annoyed facial expression.

"Chill out I'm messing around"
I grinned.

Nebula rolled her eyes before throwing the covers over me, probably because I was still naked.

"Like what you see?"
I teased.

"Shut it"
Nebula stated.

We layed in silence as I fiddled with the silly little box I always had with me.

"What is that?"
Nebula asked.

"No clue, I've always had it. I can't even remember receiving it"
I replied.

"Did you loose you're memory?"
Nebula questioned.

"Nope I think I was just too young to remember it properly. You're awfully chatty today aren't you?"
I smirked.

"I am not"
Nebula frowned.

"Yeah yeah if you say so"
I answered.

I continued fiddling with the box which apparently had no interest in opening like usual.

I had had this with me since as long as I can remember and it just won't open.

I sighed before tossing it off the side of the bed.

I then thought about how Thanos knew I cared about Nebula. How did he know that?

When he guessed that I cared about Nebula, I had done nothing to give it away.

"Can Thanos read minds?"
I asked, bluntly.

I hope he couldn't because if he did know how to them he probably knew about my powers and how I think I have more which just haven't awakened yet.

"Yes, using the mind stone"
Nebula replied.

"Oh shit"
I muttered.

Nebula questioned.

"I think your dickhead dad might've looked through my mind"
I responded.

"How do you know?"
Nebula asked.

"Nothing he just knew I cared about someone and I don't know how else he would know that"
I answered.

Nebula remained silent.

"I'm talking about you by the way, he also told me how he uh disassembled you"
I muttered.

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