Chapter 5

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I tried everything I could to fix the wet bed but it remained wet and damp.

I sighed and decided I was going to find a random window to sit by until it dried.

Eventually I found a window which had a nice view of the galaxy, I just hope no one like Ronan would approach me.


I stirred slightly, did I fall asleep near that window?

I felt myself been carried in someone's arms but didn't know who because I decided to go straight back to sleep.

I woke up later on, and it looked pretty dark actually. It must be some point in the middle of the night.

I then noticed my body had wrapped itself round something.

I kept poking it in an attempt to see what it was.

I poked something, was that a face?

I wish the lights was on but I was too lazy to find them.

"Stop poking my face"
I heard a voice say.

I know that voice.

"Nebula? Why the hell are we in a bed together?
I retorted.

"You should be thanking me for not leaving you out there or that I didn't just throw you on  the floor"
Nebula hissed.

"Hey robot tits? You make a great pillow"
I smirked.

"Stop calling me that"
Nebula growled.

I got up to move but noticed her arms was wrapped around my torso.

"You're making it hard for me to hate you"
I informed.

Nebula quickly removed her arms, secretly I was very disappointed about this and I don't know why.

Nebula stayed silent.

The light then turned on, I noticed that nobody switched it on.

"Did you do that?"
Nebula asked.

"Probably, I mean I was wishing for the lights to be on like a minute ago"
I replied.

"Robot tits, guess wha-"

"Don't call me that"
Nebula hissed.

"Nope, I mean of course I've never actually seen your boobs but I can imagine them being robotic like a lot of your body so I think robot tits is a very suitable name, especially after you couldn't stop staring at my boobs earlier"
I snickered.

"I have no interest in your boobs"
Nebula stated.

"I don't believe that, robot tits"

I rolled off of Nebula and began staring at the walls, which was when I noticed I was in her room.

"Wait, why are we in your room? In fact why are we even sleeping in the same room?"
I said before turning around.

"Your door was locked"
Nebula muttered.

I must've fallen asleep by the window in the middle of the ship. I was actually thankful that Nebula put me in her room because well I just felt better knowing that she found me not some random Kree person or Ronan.

"Looks like you got over your disgust of sharing a bed with me"
I smirked, referring to when we was on a mission and she refused to share a bed with me.

"Anyways I'm glad it was you and not some random persons room I woke up in. I mean I know we are far from friends but like I know your not a creep"
I rambled.

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