🎶🎵 Chapter 11 - Singing Like a Siren 🎵🎶

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(Okay! Remember, you are wearing this:

And sorry for the late update! I wanted to spend some quality time with my fam for Easter

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And sorry for the late update! I wanted to spend some quality time with my fam for Easter. But I'm going to stop talking now because you all probably want to read the story now, right? Right! Have fun!)


"I'll go after Prince Pain-in-the-ass and Cinnamon Roll," I decided, Ava nodding showing that she understood.

"Okay, that leaves me with Rhys and Leif," Ava said, forgetting about Pierce. ' Poor Pierce... ' I thought. Ava and I exchanged embraces and separated.

' Okay, Y/n! Use both your brain and magic! ' I thought, closing my eyes and discreetly activating my magic. I opened my eyes, its irises turning faint purple as I scanned the park. My eyes widened when I saw Noi and Asch conversing with children. I hastily deactivated my magic, my irises turning back to (e/c), and bolted to the pair. 

Once I arrived at the playground, I climbed the ladder. Pretty quickly too! Maybe because I have long legs? I'm getting off track! 

"Show us this sacred dance you speak of," I heard Asch say. I looked at the situation, worried about what might happen.

"Sacred? Pfft, you're weird AF, mister! It's popular!" A little girl commented.

"Yeah," A young boy continued, "and it goes like this!" The boy then started to floss. I was holding back laughs! If Ava were to see this, she would go ballistic. The kid stopped flossing, leaving the two Daemos amazed.

"Whoa! How did he do that?" Noi questioned.

"My eyes couldn't keep up!" Asch said shocked. I thought that was a good moment to step in.

"Alright, come on boys," I ordered, gaining the attention of both the kids and Daemos, "Also, please don't do that dance. Ava will be furious and-" 

I was interrupted by squeals. The Daemos and I looked to the source. It was the kids with orbs of colored excitement for eyes. I asked them if they were alright.

Bad idea...

"Oh my, God!" the girl squealed.

"You're Miss Jackson! THE Miss Jackson!" The boy finished. Then, it hit me... THEY WERE FANS! 

A Sorceress? Witch? Or Daemos Royalty? (My Inner Demons x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now