🍕 Chapter 13 - The Date Begins 🍕

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3rd POV

Well, let's recap! Ava and Y/n's parents had walked right into the living room and saw them sitting on a couch with hot demon- I mean Daemos boys behind them. The females are panicking and the Daemos don't know who the grown-ups are.

"T-this isn't what it looks like!" Ava stuttered, her face enveloped in shock. Devon, Andrew, Cleo, and Leon first took notice of the camera placed in front of them. They ran up to the camera.

"I told you they were making videos!" Devon announced. Andrew picked up the camera and threw it to the side. Y/n mumbled, "The camera..."

Leo, Cleo, and Devon ran up to Ava and Y/n, pulling them close and backing away from the boys. "Get away from our baby and Ava!" Cleo commanded.

"You demons! She's our sweet, innocent baby girl! And Y/n is our innocent crime-fighter! Do you not have a sense of moral responsibility?" Devon shouted.

"We aren't demons, we're Daemos!" Leif protested.

"Don't just yell that out loud!" Y/n scolded, getting out of her mother's grip with ease.

"I'm calling the police!" Leon announced, holding his phone in hand.

"No, guys! Please let us explain!" Ava begged, her and Y/n at the mercy of their parents.

"Ava, you don't have to resort to this! You could have asked for Y/n's help! Or-" Cleo gasped, turning her attention to Y/n and glaring at her, "Is she not helping you? You little brat! I didn't raise you like this! You should know better than to not help your best friend- no- SISTER, Ava!" Cleo grabbed Y/n by the ear and pulled incredibly hard. Y/n thought her ear would be pulled clean off! Cleo turned to Leon who was about to call the police. "Did you teach her this?"

"No, mom! It's not like that! Please let us expla-" Y/n started.

"I don't want to hear it! What else have you not done for Ava, huh? Have you not helped pay her bills? Get her food? I raised you better," Cleo continued to rant, not noticing the tears in her daughter's eyes. Ava, however, noticed. Her eyes widened in shock.

Ava ripped herself from Devon's grip and put a hand on Cleo's shoulder. "Aunt Cleo! Please stop! Y/n has done nothing but help me!" Cleo stopped and let go of her daughter. She looked at Ava and then at her daughter and gasped. Y/n had tears brimming her eyes and her ear was red. Y/n's features seemed too familiar to Leif. He was brought back to Daemos.


Leif was practicing his attacks with his daggers. He continued to practice until he heard crying getting louder from behind him. He turned around and saw his girl best friend. His princess. She was in tears and her gown was ripped at the bottom.

"Princess! What in the name of Daemos happened?" Leif asked, his daggers disappearing from his fists as he ran to comfort the girl. The girl encased Leif in a hug never letting go.

"L-Leif... H-humans..." The girl said, pointing to where she once came. From that direction came human adults, weapons wielded. Leif stood in front of the girl, anger and bloodlust radiating from his body.

"You might want to close your eyes, Princess," Leif recommended, the girl following the order. The humans' heads were severed from their bodies in a flash, blood spraying from their necks, drenching their clothes. The headless bodies fell to the ground, now lifeless. Leif turned to the trembling girl and picked her up, earning a surprised yelp from her. He jumped from tree to tree looking for a safe clearing, never loosening his grip on the girl. Once he finally found one, he set her down. "You can open your eyes, Princess."

A Sorceress? Witch? Or Daemos Royalty? (My Inner Demons x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now