Chapter 20 - I am...

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3rd POV

'This can't be real. There is no way.' Y/n thought to herself, breathing heavily, coughing ever-so-often as to try and recover from her scream. Her hands still gripped the sink below the mirror which currently displayed her copy but in a royal attire. 'It was her. There was no mistaking it.'

"How is this even possible?" She asked to no one in particular. Her copy narrowed her eyes at her, raising an eyebrow and displaying a smug look across her pink-tinted lips. The copy exhaled before bringing her hands in front of her, holding each other.

"Can it really be that impossible?" The copy asked, "I mean, you have powers just through wearing that bracelet." Y/n gulped, loosening the grip she had on the sink, nodding in understanding. The copy gave a gentle smile to Y/n and said, "This is possible because I am you."

"No." Y/n stated.

"Yes." The copy argued.





"NO!" Y/n yelled, her eyes flashing blood-red and her canines becoming as sharp as fangs. The copy stood up straight in surprise. Seeing she scared the reflection, Y/n blinked, her eyes returning to their original colour but widening themselves, shocked at her previous actions. She took a deep breath before continuing, lifting her dominant hand to caress her newly-sprouted horns as she spoke, "I can't be you. And you can't be me. If I was you, wouldn't I have known? Wouldn't I have the memories of me being a daemos?"

The reflection looked to the side, as if faltering. "You probably don't remember because..."


"...too young...remember..."

"What?" Y/n persisted.

"You were too young to remember!" She spit. Y/n began to argue that the copy looked the same age as her, questioning why she wouldn't remember. "Your parents. Biological parents. They-"

"They what?" Y/n pleaded, her tone dripping in desperation. She had to know. She was 20 and just now was putting the pieces of her identity together.

"I think I need to start from the beginning." The reflection said, earning a "Damn right!" from Y/n. "We are- were the Princess of the Crystal Region. Daemos was split into different regions based on its environmental conditions. Our people had adapted to the crystalline terrain and were called the Crystal people and were identified by the jewellery they wore on the day to day. That bracelet is one of the many adornments that our people wore," She said, gesturing to Y/n's bracelet as Y/n put the toilet seat cover down and sat down.

"We had been friends with well-trained warriors from childhood. In fact, we had inspired them to train harder until they were the best they could be and vice versa," The copy continued, a day-dreaming and heartsick expression creeping onto her face, "We were also planned to marry the Prince of the Volcanic Region. Of course, no proposal was made yet because we barely knew each other. We might have been Daemos but we had common sense and didn't want to rush anything. Everything was fine. Until, magic began to fade." Her face took an expression of hatred.

"As magic supplies began to diminish, the selfish and merciless began to pillage and attack regions. They were afraid they would lose magic so they were adamant to take magic from other sources - other Daemos. The Crystal people had their essence embedded in their jewellery and the other Daemos people knew that. They became the t-target..." The copy began to choke on her own words, Y/n pitying the soul, which was also herself.

The copy cleared her throat, quickly wiping her tears before continuing. "The raids had begun in the villages; then, they made their way behind the kingdom walls. Our parents knew there was nothing they could do. If they had the magic of the hundreds of villages, the raiders would have had power equivalent to all the regional kings combined. Their only hope was to send us away in the hope that we would come back to save Daemos. They knew we would be hunted and struggle in the new realm at the age we were so..." She took another deep breath, "They made us young again and suppressed our memories into a charm on our bracelet. Our favourite gemstone." Y/n looked down to her bracelet to find the gem only to see that it had a crack.

A Sorceress? Witch? Or Daemos Royalty? (My Inner Demons x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now