3. happen to have a lighter?

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okay so for some reason at certain parts my brain switches from writing in first to second person, sorry If I confuse you I'm trying to make it flow as much as possible lol enjoy (: 

(m/s) middle school 

There he was again, the brown-haired boy. He was sitting at the top of the v-shaped ramp lighting up a joint. 

As I walked past him I was trying to hold in my heavy panting from jogging the whole way here. I awkwardly smiled at him quickly and he just nodded his head once, I guess that was his way of saying hey. 

As I walked away I could feel him starring at me, almost like he was studying me. It made me overthink how I was walking so I ended up probably looking like an idiot.

When I got home my mom was at the table eating the leftovers from (f/r). As soon as she saw me walk in I already knew what was coming. 

"Where the hell have you been (y/n)!!"

"mom I'm sorry, I went walk-"

"you didn't even answer my calls!"

"I know, I fell asleep"

"you were asleep?? were you at someone's house?!?! what the hell you didn't think to text first?"

"no mom, let me finish.. I went walking and was reading under a tree out at this field, and it got late so I fell asleep, I'm sorry my alarm must have not gone off" knowing damn well I didn't set an alarm, I was just trying to save myself as much as I could.

"dammit (y/n) you can't just leave and not tell me where you're going, especially since it's a new neighborhood. And it's almost midnight for god sake!"

"I know mom I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep I promise it won't happen again" 

she rolled her eyes and drank some more of her sparkling water "I made your bed for you. Up early tomorrow to unpack. We have movers coming to unload more boxes"

I walked into my box-filled room and threw my bag onto my chair. 

Sitting on the edge of my bed was my box of Altoids which I contemplated smoking a joint from but I thought it was best to save it for all the moving I was going to do tomorrow.

I laid back on my bed starring at the rotating fan blades trying to follow a single blade spinning around but I could only keep my eyes on it for a second or two.

It made my head start to hurt so I just closed my eyes and think about how crazy the next few months are gonna be.

Ugh, I couldn't get the picture of 'mystery dude' out of my head. Something about him was so intriguing. Maybe it was how familiar he looked, or the way he looked at me, or maybe how we both were studying each other

I don't know I'm too tired to think about cute boys right now I said to myself as I went to the bathroom to wash my face. New day tomorrow, long road ahead of me.


When I woke up my mom was already awake jamming to Rich girl in the kitchen. I love this song because it reminded me of when me and my mom took a 2-week road trip across the country so I joined in with her while putting dishes away in the cabinets. 

High and dry, out of the rain
It's so easy to hurt others when you can't feel pain
And don't you know that a love can't grow
Cause there's too much to give, cause you'd rather live
For the thrill of it all

About 5 hours into moving boxes I asked my mom if I could go take a walk again

"sure but don't fall asleep under a tree again" she laughed with her head sticking out from behind some boxes 

"Alright thanks mom love you" I went and packed my bag again hoping to find maybe another spot to relax 

I remember the way to get there so it didn't take too long but when I got there to my surprise, mystery boy was sitting in the same spot I was reading yesterday

I was trying not to draw any attention to myself so I didn't bring my head up to look at him as I sat under a different tree across the pond.

It had probably been 20 minutes since I sat down but I still hadn't looked up. I was pretty sure the coast was clear so I peeked my head up and I saw him laying down holding a book above his head. He must have incredible arm strength because my arms would die after 5 minutes of holding a book above my face. 

Another 20 minutes pass and I guess I was feeling bold because I convinced myself that you only live life once and you have to take risks sometimes so I decided to get up and go talk to him. I was practically pissing myself on the way over there. This isn't like me at all to be bold but who knows what will happen.

I realized on the way over there that I hadn't thought of something to say, I cant just introduce my self that's too boring. I was only a few steps away so I had to think of something quickly.

"hey, um do you happen to have a lighter?" 

He lowered the book from his face with a slight smirk on his face. 

"you gotta joint?"

"Nah I was just gonna take your lighter to light some trees on fire" I chuckled, nervous that he would think I was serious

He smiled and sat up, digging inside his bag he pulled out a lighter with a pretty cool stingray design on it. 

"you didn't get this from me" he said acting suspiciously then chuckled a little 

I laughed and sat down next to him "I'm (y/n) by the way, I just moved here"

"Cool I'm Evan,  hope you like the boring ponds because its the only nice place out here"

oh my god, It all clicked at once...

"Evan?? like Evan from (m/s)"

"Yep, I was seeing how long it took for you to realize"

Evan sat next to me in my 7th grade science class, he was kinda a dick but he didn't talk to anyone in that class except me. I was known as the 'smart one' in middle school so I always gave him answers. That probably the only reason he talked to me but I never complained. Evan was known as the quiet smart stoner kid, almost never came to school but still managed to get straight As. And it's not even like he just got other people to do his work, he was extremely smart without trying, he just hated coming to school so he didn't but every assignment he did in class he would finish before anyone and still make a 92 on it. I was always a little jealous 

"Wow that's crazy, I kinda forgot you existed sorry" I said still baffled that he remembered me 

"haha well it was like 5 years ago so I don't blame you, so we gonna light up or what" 

Sorry, I feel like this one was kinda long, now that Evan is introduced I can start with the good parts (; 

1268 words

Give some suggestions on what you think should happen, I'm open to anything

Next chapter is coming out tomorrow hehe

Hope you enjoy, don't forget to vote.... love youuu byeee

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