4. you could have dropped me

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I pull out my Altoids box and pick out the one joint that is practically half kief and tell him to give me a light.

He picked out his own joint and started puffing on that.

"So why did you move to (c/n)" he asked as smoke came out of his mouth 

"Oh, my mom got a job down here so we decided to move. Do you go to that new school down here?" I knew he did because it was like the only high school out here, but I was just trying to make conversation. 

"Yeah it's a nice school but all the people there either act like 6th graders or college students, there's no in between. So I'm guessing she finished her nursing degree then?"

I looked at him in a baffled look. I must have told him 5 years ago that was mom was becoming a nurse, and somehow he remembered 

 I turned quickly to look at him after he said that but he stayed looking forward and just grinned a little then took another hit. 

He seems so chill about everything. It's almost like he was watered-down emotions. Ugh I don't know why but it was so attractive.

I just forced a small laugh and said "yeah she finished at the beginning of this year, she's thinking of studying to be a doctor but well see"

"oh yeah? well shell for sure pull in some serious cash. So you're not gonna ask me about something you remember me telling you from 7th grade?"

"Oh ummm, how's your dog?"

"dead" he said so nonchalantly

I stayed quiet for a second and just sat there with my eyes wide open rethinking what I just said..

"Oh I'm s-sorry I dindn-"

"It's alright she was old anyway, now she's probably playing on mars with some aliens" 

The next 10 minutes were just us getting into a conversation about space and aliens because we were high as fuck and started rambling. 

Evan kept looking at me with his bloodshot lowered lids and it gave me chills every time he looked over. 

His voice was low and soft. Not quite tired but it definitely seemed like he could put anyone to sleep with his voice. Or turn anybody on...

He was also funny without trying, like everything he said I found funny in a way. That also might be because I'm high as fuck so a leaf falling is funny, but still, something about him makes me feel happy inside. 

It's weird because it feels like I just met him but at the same time I've known him for a long time, obviously he remembers me, so I wonder if he also has this weird feeling that it's not like we're meeting someone new. 

We've probably been sitting under this tree for 2 hours just talking and smoking and he asked if he could take me somewhere. 

I was confused at first "umm sure? am I allowed to know where we're going" I said in a jokingly tone 

"nope you'll see when we get there"

I rolled my eyes and gestured my hand up to him as a way of asking him to help me up from sitting. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me up with ease but he did it so easy that I stumbled forwards towards him but he just moved out of the way 

"what the hell, what if I fell"

"I was hoping you would" he smirked again 

He pointed towards the other side of the field, opposite of where we came in

"walk that way"

"I'll walk whichever way I wanna walk" I joked with him

He firmly put his hand on the back of my neck and nudged me towards where we were going 

"you'll go whichever way I tell you to go"

I rolled my eyes and kept walking. We walked for about 15 minutes before arriving at this park with a forest behind it.

He pointed towards the forest and said "that's where we're going"

At that moment I for sure thought he was gonna kill me in a forest but for whatever reason, I followed him in walking on the trails carved out from many people walking through this forest. Were just on the outside of the neighborhood now so it's not too far back to my house and it was only like 3pm so I know I have time. 

We got to this one part of the forest where we had to jump across a stream but I got in my own head and was scared I couldn't make the jump. He reached his hand out for me to grab it and pull me across as I jumped. I was scared but I just barely cleared it.

Once I got across, with my back facing towards the stream, Evan grabbed either side of my backpack and jerked me back then quickly pulling me forwards acting as if he was going to push me in. 

It scared the living shit out of me but when he pulled me back he was about 5 inches from my face looking at me with his sleepy eyes, just smiling because he knew that he scared me. 

I smiled and pushed him away saying "dumb bitch you could have actually dropped me"

"And risk the joints getting wet? What kind of person do you think I am?"

I laughed and just said "dick" 

It was only another 5 minutes before came upon this picnic table pretty deep in the forest and next to a running stream. The picnic table had a lot of random carvings on it, probably because of the other teenagers that have been here before.  

"This is where I spend most of my time because it's away from everyone and not many people know it exists"

I was debating in my head whether or not he had hidden intent behind telling me that

"well it's quite beautiful out here... aside from the shattered beer bottle on the ground"

He laughed and looked at me with those eyes again 

"you're the most beautiful thing out here" he said while walking closer to me

I was taken back a little because I couldn't tell if he was joking. We were only a few inches apart at this point and I could feel our bodies touching.

He took his thumb and drug it down my bottom lip while biting his, I was so frozen by what was going on that I just stood there looking at him. He lifted my chin up with his fingers and embraced me with a kiss. Only pulling back after a second to see if I was okay with it.


1138 words

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