Chapter 3 - Six

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For some reason people are reading this. Thank you for reading this awful story!

I must say, I am impressed that six could escape the maw with her coat infront of her eyes. I walked around my house with a towel over my head in simmilar fashion and bumbed into every wall in the house..... my family gave me weird looks during this experiment....... IT WAS FOR SCINCE!

Just for information, I am taking my time with the storyline, meaning the characters will slowly fall in love and stuff. Also majority of this story is in Mono's perspective, but you will sometimes get a treat and be in Six's perspective.


Six felt cold, hurt and alone. Her body mattered and dirty. Her black hair patched infront of her eyes, but not so much it prevented her from seeing. She hugged her knees as her eyes stared at the music box infront of her. It was the only thing she could do in here. The Hunter didn't realy give her much to do. Mainly because everytime Six was given some type of toy she would use it in her escaping attempts. They didn't end well for six. The Hunter wouldn't feed her on those days, not like she ate much anyways. From past experiences, she lost her appetite.

Exhailing, Six wobbled as she stood up. She stepped towards the music box and glared at it. As if it was the objects fault for her ending up where she is. Before she picked up the music box, a loud creaking noise sounded out her room door. She stood straighter, flinching when the handle of the door was shaking. Swiftly, Six snatched up the music box and ran under the gaint bed.

Without warning the lower part of the door started to crash down. Squeaking and taking quick hast, Six hid under the gaint bed in an attempt to seem hidden. She hugged her music box as a mysterious boy walked in. A few years older, to Six's interpretation. A brown bag over his head with two holes for eyes, a greenish-gray trench coat that almost seems brown, a brown shirt and brown pants that are rolled up at the ankle. Gee, this kid likes his bown. His torch shone around the room but stopped at were Six was at.

Six tensed as the boy walked closer. The boy kneeled down and reached his hand out slowly. "Hey," he spoke. His voice was soft like he was talking to a spoked animal. "I won't hurt you." Six only hugged her music box closer. The boy tilted his head at her. She glanced at the boy before looking back at her music box. Six then looked back and forth between the boy and the music box as a light bulb went off in her mind. Slowly, she crept closer to the edge of the beds cover. The boy gently curled his fingers in and out again, signaling for Six to come closer. Just you wait.

Once Six was only a few tiny feet infront of the boy, she grabbed on her music box before chucking it at the boys face. When it crashed onto the boys face it mumbled its little tune for a second. The boy thumbed onto the for, and grunted as he rubbed his head. Taking her chance Six bolted out of the room. In a hurried manner, Six focused on her surroundings, looking for a place to go. She ran a few paces forward before spotting the stairs. She sprinted over to them and started hopping from one stair to the next. Run, run, run, is the only thing her brain was thinking.

At the top, Six bent over and put her hands on her knees. Her breath was ragged. So many damn stairs. "Hey", the boy called out again, yet softer somehow. Ignoring the call Six jogged forward. Her eyes darted around. Creak! Six jumped in her spot as the patter of footsteps came closer to her. She dived for the nearest corner, hoping the shadows will cover her. Silently, against all her will, she whimpered. Fear took place where adrenaline once was. She hugged her knees and placed her head on them, loo,ing at the foor. Six slammed her eyes shut, expecting to feel pain.

As nothing happend to her, Six gradually moved her gaze upwards. There, to her surprise, the boy sat. A respectable distance from her. Even though Six couldn't see the face of the boy, she could tell his gaze was soft. "Hey," he repeated. Again he slowly reached his hand out but once Six flinched he thought better and placed his hand on his lap. "Don't run away again. I promise I'm not gonna hurt you." He gently whispered. Six lowered her eyes, before looking up again. She took a deep breath in an attempt to calm herself. In that act, the boy seamed to relax too.

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