Accidentally hitting you 1

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//Hyung Line//


- You were lying on your bed

- Chan reached over you to grab his bag

- As he pulled it over you he lost grip and ended up knocking it into you really hard

- He'd just crawl on top of you fake crying



- You'd come behind him and call his name

- He'd spin around with his arms in the air to be dramatic, not knowing you were so close 

-"Yes y/n, its me your amazing boyf-" 

- *big slap across your face*

- He'd blankly stare for a second before laughing 

- Cups your face to say sorry but is laughing the whole time 


- It was an accident

- You'd hold the area that was hurt and he'd  put his hand over yours

- He'd feel awful and hug you immediately

- "Does it hurt, let me see" 

- He's extra careful all day  

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