When they're suddenly affectionate 2

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//Maknae Line//


> Hyunjin is always affectionate but not as much whilst at dance practice

> Today you were only dropping in to drop off some snacks for the boys

> Before you could leave he ran and picked you up so you couldn't exit through the door

> You could see the others, they didn't even react because they're so used to seeing it

> You playfully hit Hyunjin so he put you down

> "I'll get you again later y/n" 


> You both had some time away together at his family home since Jisung had a weeks break

>  When you were both alone he couldn't stay away from you 

> He'd sit so your shoulders touched, hold your hand and give you quick kisses at random moments

> When you were with his parents he'd keep a short distance to not make it awkward

> But when it came to sleeping he'd hug you so tightly until the morning

> "I won't ever let go of you y/n!" 


> Felix knew you loved his affection so he wouldn't shy away from giving you any

> He was busy all day so you didn't get to see him until late at night

> You were watching a movie on the sofa alone when you heard voices coming towards the front door

> At first when you heard him return you thought he'd go straight to sleep after his long day

> Instead he came straight to you and gave you a kiss and rested his head on your lap

> "Can we go to bed together? I'm so tired but I don't want to go without you"

> You couldn't say no 


> He loved you with his whole heart but didn't show his affection in obvious ways

> Except today he brought you a large bouquet of flowers and chocolates

> You were so confused thinking 'oh no, what day have I forgot about?'

> When in fact he just wanted to show a lot of love and affection

> "Sorry y/n, I don't do this enough"

> He seems a little sad with himself so you assure him that he gives you all the love you want and need

> You thank him with a kiss on the lips which makes him blush the same shade of pink as the flowers


> Jeongin is affectionate towards you but not when the members are around

> He'd often make sure they aren't around to tease him

> When you got time alone he'd always keep physical contact such as an arm around your waist or hand-holding

> Since you can't do this much outside because of fans he'd mostly do it in the dorm

> "One day y/n, we can do this 24/7 I promise"

>You'd understand his concerns, so you make sure you make up for the lost time when you're together

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