There's something behind you... 2

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- You're both in the recording studio, sat side by side in your own chairs

- "There's something behind you" you say out of the blue

- "Oh yeah? What?" he asks playfully

- "Uhhh... A ghost!" You say knowing he caught on to your joke

- "Oh no, What should we name it?" he asked sarcastically

- "Never mind" you give up

- "No y/n I'm serious, if there's a ghost it needs a name!"

- Chan knocks on the door and asks for Jisung for 5 minutes. He stands up and turns back to you before closing the door. "You better have a name by the time I get back"


- Felix had scared you the other day, only by hiding behind a wall and making you jump as you passed. But this meant you had to do something in return.

- You got a white sheet and cut holes for your eyes and hid behind the exact wall Felix used to scare you.

- You wait for him and at the right moment, "There's something behind you~~" you whisper is a spooky voice

- The scare worked like a charm. He shouted, jumped, fell to his knees in defeat, it was like a whole drama scene is slow motion

- "I knew it was your voice y/n, I just really wasn't expecting the costume" he said laughing at the situation

- You both quickly pulled yourselves together and left the scene before anyone else sees you wearing a sheet and him on the floor in the middle of a corridor


- Seungmin is really hard to scare, its impossible. But mainly its your fault...

- "Seungmin, there's something behind you" you say as serious as you can

- He looks amused for a second but then turned his face serious

- He stares into your eyes it took less than four seconds until you broke out into laughter

- "That's how I know you're lying y/n, you cant stay serious for long" he laughs at your attempt

- "That's not fair you know that's my weakness!" you protest

- "What's your weakness y/n, specify" he demands

- "You-"


- You approached I.N in the dance practice room

- You told him a quick funny story from your morning panic after missing your alarm

- It came out of nowhere, but you wanted to prank him

- "Theres something behind you" you say looking over his shoulder

- He turns arounds and jumps, "Ah that was so scary!"

- You're confused, there wasn't anything there

- "The puzzle on your face says it all y/n", he laughs, "you pointed to the mirror, so your face was the scary part"

- You raise your hand to playfully hit him but he quickly dodges it, "Hey its not my fault you're scary"

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