If you were there, beware

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Warning: mild gore and violence


Another day, another pain in the ass, but this time, Suna felt it was bearable. He got someone to talk to now, so his breaks weren't as lonely as they used to be. His new friend kept telling him stories from his school, that seemed to be full of idiots, just like Suna's. He wasn't talking too much about himself, but in the meantime, Suna learned that his stalker plays volleyball or at least he's affiliated with the school's club. He didn't mention what team tho, but probably some team form the Kansai region, Osaka or Hyogo or something. Maybe he played against his school in the past, maybe he even met him already. How nice it would be to find out there's actually a friend and not a lunatic standing at the other end of their conversations. 

O: " 'Ayyy Rin, I'm bored. Talk to me."

Suna smiled at the message, then opened his notes app to write a response. It was easier to talk to him through text when he was at school, as Mr. O here had access to his display too.

"You're always bored, aren't you?"

O: "Pretty much. What's yer team's schedule for the rest of the year?"

Suna thought it was suspicious, but decided to respond anyway. He didn't care anymore. 

"Oh... I think two weeks from now we're gonna have a practice match with a team from Hyogo. Seijoh. Idk if you know them. They lost to Shiratorizawa in the prefectural preliminaries, but they are strong. Then we're going to nationals in spring and our main goal is to win against Shiratorizawa. Their wing spikers are scary as fuck, especially the ace. If we beat them, we might be able to actually win the nationals. It's not gonna be that easy tho."

They could've had a chance to beat them at the nationals in the first semester, but Kuroo was greedy, taking Suna's position as a titular and giving it to that walking mess called Lev Haiba. No wonder they lost in the prefectural qualifiers. Suna was the best blocker in the team after Kuroo, but nobody gave a shit about it.

O: "Good luck at the practice match, you'll gonna need it."

"Yeah, not like I'll get to play anyway. Btw, what's the 'O' standing for? "

He was really curious about this one. What was that O suppose to mean? It's clearly the first letter of a word. Perhaps a name, or nickname, maybe even his favorite type of food. 

O: "Wadja think it's standin' for?"

"I dunno... Organs Trafficker?", it was meant to be a joke, but it seems he didn't get it.

O: "Rin, why the hell  would I sell yer organs?"


Everyone was giving him all kinds of looks at practice. Some were concerned, some weren't. Yaku even asked him to not force himself and take breaks from time to time. Same did professor Nekomata and coach Naoi. But there were people upset about yesterday's match too.

The gymnasium was silent today, maybe too silent. Suna wondered if that was the result of yesterday's events. It felt odd that nobody was complaining or screaming for no reason, only Kita coordinating them, like a captain.

Like a captain.

Suna looked aimlessly through the gym, never thinking he would ever want to hear that annoying voice, or see that stupid hairstyle of Kuroo more like he did now.
Despite searching all corners, Kuroo was nowhere.

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