4: Sneaky Mouse.

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Trysta's POV :

I went outside the house after shooting a dangerous glare to Bryson and found him already sitting in his car, occupying the driver's seat.

He has alredy put a pair of balck shades and was looking ahead of him.

I gulped and slowly opened the door of the passenger's seat. Without saying a word I sat down trying to not make any noise at all.

Well it's not like he is going to shoot me if I will make one, but still I dont want to piss him off than I have alredy done.

"Stop behaving like a sneaky mouse." He snapped suddenly and I gasped and looked at him with my mouth hung open.

"I-I was ju-just trying to make my self comfortable. That's it." I said in a confident tone to which he looked at me.

I couldn't see his eyes as they were covered with his shades but I can feel his intense gaze on me.

I divert my eyes and cleared my throat.


"I can go on my own too. Jack will take me there." I told him slowly to which he didnt gave any reaction and suddenly came closer to me.

I gasped and looked at him with my eyes wide open.

"Its-its fine. I will go with you. You don't....." I cut my balbbering in the middle when I saw what he actually was doing while coming so close to me.

Well certainly I am caged between the car seat and him and he is fastening my seat belt.

He could have told me...!!

"Thanks..." I said quite breathless.

"But I could have done it on my owww..." I tried to say bravely but his one look with his perfect one eyebrow rose made me stop where I was.

God why he has to be so intimidating...??

"But still tnx." I said which came out Like a whisper.

He still didn't said anything and start the engine.
Soon we were in the chaotic road of the New York city.

"Where you do you have work...??" He asked suddenly to which I looked at him and started thinking what-what I have to buy.

"Umm...I have to buy some stationary stuffs so any good stationary shop will do." I said softly to which he again didn't ahve any reaction and continued driving whiel loking ahead of the road.

"Arrogant much...!!" I whispered to myself and agai started looking outside of the window.

Soon after few minutes he fianlly parked the car in front of big stationary shop.

I went out of the car and waited for him to come out. Soon we entered in the shop and was greeted by a old man. He was polite and was very experienced.

He escorted me in every section and helped me to buy the best stuff of my need. I brought some different kinds of pencils, colours, paper pins, and a lot more stuffs too.

I buy stuffs for my art and for my studies too. It took me all together more than 2 hours to finally get everything I needed.

I went to the cash counter and took out my card to pay. But suddenly another black card came in front of me. I look at the person and saw him giving his card.

How came I forget I am not alone but he is also with me.

"I can pay for myself." I said and softly pushed his hands away.

"Take this card and pack evething quickly." He said to the man who was supposed to make the bill, completely ignoring me.

I can and I will for my stuffs. Yes!!

"Excuse me take this cards and plzz make it fast." I told the man politely but in a formal tone.

He looked confused between us but suddenly his eyes went wide and he quickly took his card give me all the stuffs after packing it nicely.

I look back at him pissed and found him smirking while putting his card back.

While huffing I went out and waited outside his car for him to arrive. Soon he also came back with that silly smirk still lingering on his lips. It was pissing me off more and more.

I rolled my eyes at him and turned around to go to passenger seat but only to turned back and got slammed in the car, not to harshly though.

I squled and looked at him wide eyes with my heart beating like crazy.

"Wha-what are...."

"Never ever roll your eyes on me kitten." He said in a dangerous calm tone while gritting his teeth and his jaw clenched.

I gulped and didn't said anything, Instead I wriggled in his hold and tried to get my self out from his cage.

"I told you something." He whispered again to which I look up at him and again look down.

"Let go..." I said and again started wriggling in his hold.

I am just controlling myself not to cry in front him like a cry baby. But to be honest I am scared like anything.

Come on you are not gonna enjoy when someone who is most precisely is the next mafia leader is caging you in the middle of the road just because you rolled your eyes at him.

Soon without saying anything, he left my body and I fianlly took deep breath. I quickly move away from him and saw him sitting inside the car.

After taking few deep breaths I also went to the passe her seat and sat down without uttering any single word.

He started driving very fastly as soon as I fastened my seat belt.
I was scared would be an understatement. I was terrified.

"Plzz slow down the car.." I said in a trumbling voice to which he didnt paid any head and continued driving fastly.

Soon tears formed in my eyes and they started sliding down my cheeks furiously.

Soon evething stopped with a jerk. I slowly look up and saw we have reached in front of the mansion.

I quickly went out of the car and ran inside the mansion without sparing him any glance.

He is really a devil. I am not going to sit in a car with him ever again.
For the matter of fact, I am not going out anywhere with him ever again.

Published on- 19.04.2021

Hola beautiful people!!

Okk so first, I hope all of you are fine as well as your loved ones and family.

Plz take care guys, the situation is very critical. Take all the precautions and dont panic if you get any symptoms of COVID- 19 and consult the doctor asap.

Okk now coming back to story, hope you enjoy this chapter too.

Do lemme know your thoughts.
I will try to update soon.

Till then,
Stay safe and be happy


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