28 : Touch Yourself For Me.

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Xavier's POV:

She is fucking Divine !!

And all fucking mine !!

Were the only thing which was roaming In my mind while she was descending the stairs while looking at me not so innocently.

From our childhood till now, she always carries her emotion in her eyes like an open book for everyone to read.

I gulped down my own fucking saliva as I drank her intoxicating presence.

I forwarded my hand towards her and gently pulled her towards me.

I smirked when I felt her taking deep wiff of my cologne as soon as she Came near me, and her tensed body relaxed.

She doesn't even know what she Is doing with me !!

Without wasting any more second we started moving outside as I already wanted to be done with this fucking party, and have my moment with my kitten.

While moving outside I felt her gaze on me, while I kept my face straight and made her sit inside the car.

I gave her only one word answer as she aksed me few questions.

I was feeling desperate to take her in my arms and never let her go as she is innocently trying to make a conversation with me even though it should be me, after what I did with her last night.

But after sensing my ignorance she also stopped talking to me and I literally felt killing myslef for being a jerk to her.

Soon we reached our destination. This was the safest party I could have ever attended with her.

It was one of my man's first wedding anniversary.

Never in my whole fuckng life I would have attended any such party, but when Liam, my one of the best assassions , invited me to his anniversary, the first thing which came in my mind was Trysta.

I already knew it, she would love to meet new people and would enjoy their company.

And becoz Liam has organized this party super privately becoz of our profession, making this party least dangerous in my rating, I also didn't think twice before saying yes to him.

I could see her eyes shining brightly as soon as she heard fake giggle of people assuming it to be real.

Her eyes started observing people with pure curiosity, while my eyes were not ready to miss any of her expressions at any cost.

Soon we greeted the couples and I left her with Liam's wife at the bar, while I started talking with Jasper one of my best shooters while keeping my eyes trained at her .

I could see she was enjoying the moment when suddenly our eyes met. I could clearly see the longing in her eyes and at the very moment I was so ready to do anything just to see her eyes shining with happiness.

What the hell with these kind of feelings!!

I was about to excuse myslef from Jasper when suddenly I see Ryan fucking Sherhant approaching my wife and his own death too.

His eyes were jumping with excitement when Trysta's confused eyes fell on him.

That motherfucker !!

I curled my hand in a tight fist when I saw them talking to each other.

He is just a new comer in a textiles business and is doing good with his rising shares. He wasn't even a threat but still I don't trust any motherfucking male species around Trysta.

Xavier's Trysta |18+|✔️Where stories live. Discover now