The Deal

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Izuku sighed as he sat down at the lunch table with his friends, Katsuki was making sure to keep an eye on Izuku. The teen was still silent even though he was able to enjoy some of the class activities that he participated in. But it was at lunch that Izuku was suddenly called to the office, Izuku could hear Monoma laughing at him for being called to the office, claiming that 1-a isn't perfect. The green-haired teen gritted his teeth before walking out of the room feeling like the world around him was suffocating him.

Izuku walked through the empty halls with a blank look while his mind is swarming with negative thoughts about why he was being called into the office. Maybe they decided that they didn't want him in their school... or that he wasn't worth the risk of another attack... or that he was a villain himself!

Izuku didn't notice that two of his teachers were walking towards where he was, both worried about him. Aizawa and All Might rounded the corner to see Izuku on the ground with his hands pulling on his hair as he was trying to breathe. The two heroes rushed over to the teen's side and watched as the boy who is usually strong-willed, break down in the middle of the hallway.

"Young Izuku... Can you hear me, my boy?" All Might asked, gently kneeling next to the panicked teen.

"Izuku, can you hear us?" Aizawa asked softly, being hyperaware of his tone of voice when he spoke to the teen.

Izuku whimpered as he pulled harder at his hair, Aizawa gently crept forward before he was facing his student and gently raised his hands.

"Izuku I am going to carefully move your hands away from your head, okay and All Might is going to place some earbuds in your ears okay? Nod if you understand that we are safe and you are okay and in a safe place." Aizawa said gently.

All Might was quick to pull out the school-issued earbuds that every teacher was told to keep on hand, along with a small mp3 player in case Izuku ever has a 'Demon rage' outbreak. The heroes watched as Izuku sucked in a deep breath and stiffly nodded his head. Aizawa carefully cupped his hands over Izuku's white-knuckled hands and rubbed soothing circles on the backs of his hands. It took about three minutes for Izuku's hands to release their death drip on his poor abused hair and scalp, which was bleeding at this point from all the pulling and tugging.

When Izuku's hands were away from his head, All Might carefully slipped the buds into Izuku's ears and was quick on picking a song that looked like it will help calm the teen down.

Izuku was drowning in the darkness of his mind, but as Izuku felt his world was too much and too loud it was the gentle tone that surrounded him in its sweet gently embrace as the beat was a gentle tone to a strong beat that stops him every bang of the drums while the piano washes over him. Izuku slowly began to hum along with 'Arcade' before slowly blinking his tear-filled eyes to see his two teachers kneeling before him with worried looks before the worry bled away into relief.

"... Mr... Aizawa... All... All Might?" Izuku rasped as he slowly came to.

"Hey Young Izuku, how are you feeling?" All Might asked, as he gently rubbed the teen's curly hair.

Izuku subconsciously leaned into the warmth of his mentor, he felt tired but he just wanted to stay in this quiet moment with the two heroes who acted just like how his father did before leaving to build a family for Izuku. His father... All for One... a villain who did terrible things was his father and he is a son of a villain that is the symbol of pure evil.

"Hey, hey, hey! Shh, you're okay... Izuku you need to breathe." Aizawa gently soothed as he placed Izuku's hands on his chest to help guide the teen out of his hysterical breathing pattern.

Izuku felt the rise and fall of the older male's chest and slowly began to copy his breathing, soon he felt his head clear of the negative thoughts and Izuku fell slack against his homeroom teacher's side. His breathing finally slowed down and this made the two heroes relax in relief at this. They sat there in silence for a good two minutes before Aizawa spoke up.

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