This is a breeze!

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To say that Izuku just laughed at his classmates while they struggled against the rock monsters was an understatement of the year. Izuku was too busy taking down rock monster after rock monster with literal ease. The teen saved half of his classmates and got them all to the base of the mountain in an hour, singing to lure his classmates out of danger. By the time they reached camp Izuku stopped singing and just walked up to the waiting heroes and nodded.

"I expected you all to be longer." Mandalay said.

"That... was... horrible..." Mina cried as she fell to her knees.

Everyone else was too tired to say anything, Katsuki just huffed.

"Wait.... that was supposed to be hard?" Izuku asked, looking a little shocked. "I thought that was easy!" The teen stated with shock, which his classmates shot tired glares at him.

"Easy for you to say, Mr. I'm too good at everything!" Kaminari groaned out tiredly.

"Like I said before Boot camp is more painful then this." Izuku stated bluntly.

"How?" Kirishima asked, looking at Izuku with wide eyes.

Izuku looked at his class before smirking.

"You all would never live to see the next day if you have a drill Sargent yelling at you every single minute of every single day." Izuku said, "And that is with out using your quirk." Izuku added before turning to Pixie-bob and bowed. "Thank you for the challenge!" Izuku thanked her before the female pro hero gushed at how polite the teen was.

That's when Izuku saw the little boy again.

"Hello there." Izuku said to the kid, Mandalay saw the boy and smiled nervously when she saw the glare. "I'm Bakugo Izuku, what's you name kid?" Izuku introduced himself, not getting close to the kid in case he might frighten the kid.

"humph!" the boy huffed before storming off.

Izuku raised a brow before chuckling.

"Hey Kacchan, I found a Kacchan 2.0!" Izuku said laughing slightly.

"Hey!" Katsuki shouted in defiance.

Everyone started laughing before Izuku looked at Mandalay looking for an answer to his unanswered question.

"That's my nephew, Kota, he's been staying with us up here in the mountains." Mandalay said, with a sad look in her eyes that nobody, but Izuku and Aizawa noticed.

Izuku nodded before smiling at her.

"He's lucky to have a good family to be around with!" Izuku said, smiling a little to brightly.

All of class 1-A flinched at the cheerful tone, Katsuki looked at Izuku with sad eyes but watched as Izuku left with Pixie-bob to find his things and unpack. Mandalay looked at Izuku with a confused look but Katsuki just sighed before following his brother.


Izuku sighed as he sat in the water of the hot springs lost in thought, he was listening to some of the guys talking about how they were going to spend their summer vacation with their families. Kirishima mentioned that he and his father were going on a manly mountain trip for a week, Sato mentioned baking with his mother and handing out baked goods to a local homeless shelter. Izuku looked at Katsuki before getting up to leave, not wanting to hear anymore plans that everyone gets to do. Izuku is happy that he is with the Bakugo's but.... Izuku never got to spend one on one with his dad in the mountains, he only got to be with him one one one was at the hospital before he left. The Bakugo family is his adoptive family and Izuku isn't close to Katsuki's dad plus he didn't want to butt in on any of father and son bonding moments... if there is any in the future...

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