Rescue, the bill, and the Announcement

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Thirteen came over to Izuku and lifted him into her arms, ushering everyone towards the entrance when the mist villain came and blocked their way.

"I can not let you all leave." He said.

Izuku looked annoyed before smirking, Katsuki saw this and tilled his head slightly.

'Mr. Di Angelo you would be so proud... thank goodness for camera's in the headset.' Izuku thought.

"Oh really? I thought you were Facepalm's Babysitter? Since he looks like he is about to blow a gasket right now.... but then again who would want to watch over a man child?" Izuku said, he may be injured but.... when has he not been hurt to the point where he needs to be in the hospital? "Like I mean come on, you could be doing something better with your life then watching him throw a fit over something so small or something so stupid." Izuku added.

"Oh and how would you know what it is like to watch over a 'Man child' as you put it?" He questioned.

Izuku smiled at this.

"Easy, my mother is an over grown toddler who is controlling and demanding. Also greedy, selfish and dated a lot of men, I hated her boyfriends and she was all upset about my loving father leaving everything to me and not her and that he still talks to me. When she finally found out about my quirk I could see her lying her butt off about being a loving mother when really she was nothing but controlling and abusive.... Does that answer that question?" Izuku said with a grin on his lips.

Just like that the rest of the teachers arrived and the Nomu was defeated.

"Nonononono!!! Cheaters! YOU'RE ALL CHEATERS!!!" Facepalm shouted.

The misty guy fled to the man child and they escaped, leaving the students and heroes at the front entrance where a grinning Izuku was.

"Hey Kacchan can you call my drama teacher... Mr. Di Angelo needs to hear this, he is going to bust a gut." Izuku said.

The blond looked at him and sighed.

"Izu... you need help.." Katsuki muttered.

"Hey, he is writing out a skit where I'm a villain going around as a 'Cinnamon roll' just to get revenge on a old villain how killed my family. He told me that I need to learn how Villains think.... I got the voice down and everything!" Izuku said, not knowing that Nezu was listening. "So he needs to know!" Izuku added, smirking slightly.

The happy moment was ruined by Uraraka rushing over to him. Izuku looked at her and growled.

"Stay the heck away from me, you threw my phone you idiot! I'm still pissed about that! I bought it myself and it is expensive, if there is damage on it you are paying for it to be fixed!" Izuku snapped.

"But I don't-" She was cut off.

"I. Don't. Care." He growled out. "Should have thought of that before throwing it, Stupid needy brat." Izuku snapped before looking away.

Thirteen sighed before walking out of the building and the paramedics took Izuku away and the teen was off to the hospital. Katsuki walked up to Uraraka and slapped her.

"You need help, nobody... I mean nobody goes around throwing other peoples phones." Katsuki stated harshly. "Also stay away from my brother you maniac." he added.


Izuku was released the day before classes since there wasn't too much of damage, thankfully, so he was chilling with his brother as they were driven to school. He had looked his phone over and had his mom help him write out how much everything will coast for his phone to be fixed... which is a lot. His screen was cracked, the sides were also cracked which caused the screen to become uneven, the speakers were damaged and the case that he had the phone in was broken as well.

So Uraraka had a lovely bill to pay him back for what she did. So right now Izuku had his phone in a clothed bag that was in his back pack as evidence if she didn't believe him. He looked out the window and saw that they had arrived at the school and he sighed as Katsuki and him got out of the car after saying goodbye to their parents.

They walked towards class and Izuku saw Uraraka and walked over before placing the slip of paper on the desk. Uraraka looked at it and gasped.

"Your joking right? It was a tiny scratch!!" Uraraka shouted.

Everyone looked at the two and Izuku glared at her, pulling out his damaged phone and everyone winced at the sight of it.

"Yeah this is totally not damaged at all." Izuku said sarcastically. "The speakers are damaged and the screens cracked and uneven and the sides are cracked as well." Izuku said, glaring at her. "Also the funny thing is, the case is supposed to be unbreakable, meaning it would have to take a lot of damage before it could break. So seeing that it is broken as well.... I am not pleased at this." Izuku said before walking over to his desk before pausing.

"Oh and if you throw out that slip of paper I will be calling the police for harassment and property damage, because my phone is also part of my hero costume so having that damaged and broken can cost you a hefty fine." Izuku said before sitting down.

Katsuki looked at the stunned teen and smirked.

"So what did Mr. Di Angelo think of your phone when he saw it?" Katsuki asked.

Izuku looked up before tilting his head slightly.

"He flipped. He was really angry that a... and I quote 'A Selfish little brat with no brain' would do this, so we spent the whole time writing out a really cool scene for a play...." Izuku said before pulling out his work and Mr. Aizawa walked in.

"Alright everyone get into your seats and pay attention." Our teacher said.

Everyone rushed to their seats and looked at the hero before them, he looked at everyone and smirked slightly.

"Your battle isn't over yet." He said.

Everyone started shouting about Villains and panicking and Izuku stood up onto his seat and whistled to gain everyone's attention.

"Will you all shut it and let Mr. Aizawa finish! Man you guys are a headache..." Izuku said before sitting back down, nodding to his teacher to continue.

"As I was saying before you all panicked, I was talking about the sports festival that is coming up." He said and this was greeted by everyone shouting.

'What a headache indeed.' Aizawa thought.


Sorry that it took so long to get this chapter up, I had it half finished but I have been swamped at work (Six days in a row with no weekends free) so I've been trying to finished this chapter for you all and I hope that my shifts won't change this week and that I will be getting more time off in the next week or month. But I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter!!


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