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I woke up with the constant ache in my whole body. I forcefully got up and went towards the washroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and what I saw was a girl with busted lip and swollen eyes. My clothes are dirty and I have dry blood on my right knee. I looked in my pocket and saw the card that lady gave me and placed it in my vanity drawer. I stripped out off my clothes and went towards the shower.

Later my mother came in the room with first aid kit and breakfast. She started doing my dressing. "Arya about last night your father is really sorry and so am I, I should have told you the truth about your father" she said. "Please don't talk" I said to her. "You want some time alone" she said and after a long pause she continued "fine I'll be right outside in case you need me" and left me.

I went towards my computer and searched the number of the bakery I went yesterday. I took the telephone and dialed the number. "Hello! Mama's Bakery" Robin said on the other side of the phone and I smiled. "Hello robin!" I said. "Arya?" he asked. "You remember!" I said. "Of course I do" he said and I could almost feel him grinning on the other side.

"Would you like to come over to my house and watch a comedy movie and you can also bring me more donuts" I said. "Is it a date?" he asked. I hesitated and said "you can think whatever you want to think". I told him my address and he said "I'm on my way".

I went outside my room and saw some preparations were going on. Well I don't give a fuck and I ignored everyone. I entered the kitchen and took some snacks, 2 glasses and a bottle of diet coke and went back to my room.

After 45 minutes there was a knock on my door and my mother popped her head in my room. "Honey?" she said. "hmmmm....." I replied not even looking at her. "Your friend Robin is here!" she said. "Yes! Send him in" I said.

Robin entered my room and said "You are rich!" and I rolled my eyes. "So, crazy stuff going down in your house, and blonde girl screaming like a maniac" he said. "That would be my sister, ignore her" I replied.

"Give me my donuts" I said and he laughed. He flopped on my bed "so what do want to watch?" I asked him and he gave me his usual smile. We watched lots of movies and had so much fun. I got to know a lot about him and his family. He is a nice guy, 'but not Royce' a voice came from inside me and I ignore it.

Later he got a call from his father and he had to go. We said our goodbyes. I looked at the clock and it was 8:00 pm.

I was in silence sitting alone on my bed, thinking about yesterday. Then I heard something, "ARRRYYYAAAAA......." Andrea said. "OH MY GOD! My ears" I said to myself.

"What the hell! Stop screaming ANDREA! what do you want?" I said. She barged into my room like a whore she is and flopped on my bed.

"Tell me!" she demanded. "What?" I asked. "Don't be innocent Arya" she said and continued "A red head boy just got out of your bedroom.....dugh..." she said.

"So you want details?"I asked and her face looked like she just won a lottery. Of course new gossip, she wants to know so that she could humiliate me.

"He is just a friend, I met in a bakery" I said. "Oh! He must be a friend to you but I don't think you are just friend to him. I saw the look on his face when he got out of your room" she said. Funny part I wanted to feel something for him but couldn't and I know the reason was Royce.

"Royce's family is downstairs for dinner. Me and Royce are getting married in just 2 weeks isn't it a good news....everyone is happy but I don't think you are!" she said mocking me. This bitch knows that I like Royce; she knows that I have feelings for him and that's why she is here to torture me. "You know sometime I think you are not my sister, I mean look at you...I bet you are adopted, you can't be a Romano blood and too bad Royce is mine... all mine" she said and left the room. Oh, you have no idea Andrea.

I went into the direction of living room where everyone is seated. I heard giggles and laughter. Our whole family was there including the Bianchi. They all are having some kind of get together in which I was not invited. Well no one cared for me, not even my parents except for my elder brother Dante Romano and speaking of him. "Hey what is with you? You look little down, everything alright?" Dante asked from behind me.

"I'm fine." I said and from the corner of my eye I saw Andrea whispering something to Sabrina. When they were done Andrea gave me her evil smile.

"Arya Honey! There you are!" mom said, "Come sit with us!" she said and I didn't move. "Well come on join us!" she said again and then I sat beside her.

FUCK! I have been sitting here for like 20 minutes doing nothing just stuffing cupcakes in my mouth. I felt someone staring at me. I tilted my head a little and saw familiar forest green eyes staring at me! Is Royce on drugs? Why is he looking at me like that, well that's new. We were having a staring contest for full five minutes till my favorite blonde hair bitch decided to flop on Royce lap.

Then I looked at Sabrina and she was angry and I raised an eyebrow at her asking what's wrong. Before she could reply Andrea spoke "So Arya tell us about your date today with the redhead boy?"

"Huh?" I asked and she rolled her eyes when I turned my head towards Royce, he was fuming with anger and his gorgeous jaw was clenched.

"Yes, he seemed a lovely boy." My mother said "what about his family?" Royce's mother asked. "His family owns the Bakery which opened last week in town, Mrs. Bianchi" I said shyly.

Well now they all sounded disinterested because he is not a son of some rich businessman. I excused myself and went towards the kitchen. "So when were you going to tell me?" Sabrina said from behind me.

"Oh for God Sake! Sabrina he is just a Friend. Believe me, Andrea is a bitch....she likes to gossip don't you know?" I said to her. "Fine! I believe you." Sabrina said.

"Brina...." Mrs. Bianchi called and Sabrina went away. I wanted to talk to her, tell her about yesterday but I didn't. This is my problem not hers.

Right now I'm in room, thinking about how to deal with this situation. I wanted to cry but the tears don't come out. This is insane, I am going insane. I feel Lonely, Empty and I hate this feeling.

I went towards the washroom and opened my vanity drawer, took out the card that injured women gave me. 'SATAN'S HELPER' I whispered.

I took a deep breath and dialed their number. "Hello Arya" Zara said. "I've made up my mind" I said. There was a long pause and then she asked "so?"

"I'm in" I said. "Great! Don't pack your bags, you won't need anything. Just come to this address" she said. I need to plan it quietly.

First I'm hungry I need food. I went into the dining hall and had dinner with mine and Bianchi family. All along Royce was giving me some weird looks which I don't understand at all. When the dinner was over I went into my room and pretended to sleep. At 2:00 am in the morning I decided to go for it.

I jumped out of the window and landed with the thud. I took the back exit where the guards are always sleeping. When I was out of sight I ran, as fast as my legs can take me. I know its coward of me to run away from my problems but I cannot take it anymore.

When I reached the address a military size aircraft was waiting for me, there were people dressed as same as Zara. "Arya Romano?" a man with military hair cut asked and I nodded my head. "Welcome Aboard" he said and I went into the aircraft.

I was now 42,000 feet above the ground and can see whole Italy. There was a pain in my heart, the familiar face of Royce flashed again and again in my mind. I think this is it. Goodbye.    

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