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Royce glared at Noah. "I want food....." Noah said again and I laughed and said "I think it's this way".

God he is some weird creature I must say! Noah was about give me a big bear hug but was stopped by Royce.

"What did I told you about touching her?" Royce said in angry tone. His aura and voice is so fucking deadly and deep.
I think Noah pissed his pants. Oh boy this is embarrassing.

"What are you doing here Noah?" I asked.
"I'm on a mission! And that mission is to protect you. Well I went back to the helpers and told them everything and they want me to guard you! So here I am at your service." He said

Well Royce didn't take this well and took a threatening step towards Noah.

"Look buddy! I'm her best friend! I c..Can hug her if I want and pr.. Protect her" Noah said.
And from the look on Royce face I think this made him angrier.

I stepped between them two and gave Noah a side hug. I took Noah's right arm and Royce's left "come on boys let's eat something first" I said to both of them and went in the direction of breakfast area.

"I can't, this is too much" I said after I entered the breakfast area. It was crowded. Everyone was here, wait! Who's that woman with purple hair? "That's my cousin Arianna" Royce said while looking in the same direction as mine. I don't even know half of them "Come on! They won't bite you" Noah said. He is completely ignoring the death glares that Royce is giving him.

Now I'm having my breakfast peacefully ignoring angry looks my father was giving me. Later Ryan passed some adult joke which made purple head laugh.
On the other hand Noah got worried and offered her some water he thought something got stuck in her food pipe and then I told him that it's the way she laughs, she is totally fine.

Suddenly everyone started talking about tomorrow's ceremony. What? What ceremony? I look towards my mother in hope to get some answers but instead she gave me a small smile and started eating her food. Are you kidding me!

Then Royce's Father spoke and said "tomorrow is your official engagement ceremony, it's the tradition in mafia we have to perform, in which we declare you both the Don and Dona of our Italian mafia." And I choked on my food. Then Royce gave me some water to calm down. I wasn't expecting it this soon.

My father continued and said "there will be our business associates and other mafia leaders in the ceremony and we planned the wedding to be private, just family". I glared at him; I wanted to pass a snarky comment but stopped myself.

Oh great! More public gatherings, fancy parties, god save me!

Sabrina from beside me whispered something in my ear "Akim's Drug company got destroyed yesterday." I looked at her and asked "does Royce know about this?"

"Of course! He is the one who did it!" she said while smiling and I suppress my laughter.

"God! I can't believe this! We are going to be sister in laws" she said excitedly and I laughed. "Hey! Don't leave me out of this conversation. Include me too..." Noah whined like a child.

"Mom invited some designer for tomorrow and we will go with her to our parent's house. Your Mom is also joining us!" Sabrina said excitedly and I smiled at her. "I want to come too" Noah said and I replied "of are my bodyguard remember?" I said and he gave me a vulgar gesture.

He doesn't know that Royce was watching him and when their eyes met he gave him a blow kiss which made me and Sabrina laugh and Ryan choked on his drink.

After meeting the designer I gave my mom a goodbye kiss and went towards the car in which Royce was waiting for me. I was so tired that I drifted to sleep in the car thinking about what will happen tomorrow.    

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