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Sabrina and Noah took upon themselves to dress me up for the wedding. Yes Noah claims himself as a brilliant makeup artist and so does Sabrina. So right now there is argument going on between them both.

"What did you say? Take that back! You filthy bitch!" Noah screamed.
"No! I won't! YOU. ARE. A. TERRIBLE. MAKE-UP. ARTIST!" Sabrina screamed too.

"You!!!! I'm going to kill you!" Noah said.

Then Noah slapped Sabrina on her cheek making her hair flip across her face. Her eyes were wide with shock and so were mine. Then Sabrina came screaming towards Noah "aaaaaaaaaa....." and pulled Noah's hair so hard, that she actually plucked some out. They were all over each other scratching, screaming and cussing. It was a terrible scene.

I was afraid that if I didn't stop this they will definitely kill each other. I got into the fight to stop them but by mistake Noah punched me in the jaw and I fell to the ground.

Because we were screaming so much, Akim came running into the room with his gun, he was looking for any threats but found nothing. He looked at us in amusement and a smile was creeping on his face.

Well we all were wearing a bath robe, Sabrina's robe was little out of place, when Akim noticed it his eyes turned dark with lust and without saying anything he stormed out of the room.

"Look Sabrina you were telling me you have a hairstyle in your mind Right? So why don't you do my hair!" I said to which she nodded and then I turned to Noah and said "and you do my make-up!" I continued "but before anything else someone give me a fucking ice pack for god sake my jaw hurts" (practically screaming!)

Sabrina and Noah gave each other side glares and started working on me. "Say aaaaaaaaa...." Noah said while applying me lipstick. "She does it one more time! her jaw will break you shit!" Sabrina said. "Mind your fucking business bitch!" Noah replied with a smile and Sabrina rolled her eyes.

Finally I was ready, I'm so happy now I have to get out of here, away from these two. "Oh My God!" Noah said!
"I know!" I said smiling. "Damn! I did very good work! I can even open a Youtube channel! And post makeup videos, I'll be famous!" Noah said. "I can do better!" Sabrina said mocking Noah.

Later, my father came into the room and said "good you are ready! Let's go" to which I gave him a side glare. "Get out" I hissed.

"I am your fath.." he said but got interrupted as Akim entered the room again.

Akim said "I'm taking her, she is my sister" and my father replied "absolutely not! I'm her father and it's my role to walk her down the aisle!" So here began another argument.

I was so frustrated by these arguments that I left my room for good so that I can get some fresh air.

I was walking towards my mother's room to ask her if she wants to take a walk with me, then I got bumped into Ruby the whore. Without saying anything she took my hand and led me into an empty room and said "don't marry him" in panicked voice. I looked at her like 'do you think I'm going to agree with a dumb bitch, no!. "Listen to me Royce is dangerous, stay away from him; you still have time, run away." She said and left the room in panic and left me in shock.

I turned around and went into my room where I found my so called father and Akim still arguing.

It took 35 minutes to my father and Akim and finally they decided that both of them will walk with me.

I had a very huge veil in front of me and I can't fucking properly see!

But when they said it's going to be a private wedding! Oh my! It's not! Because according to my calculations there are at least 500 People present.

I shook my head and then I put my concentration in front where I saw Royce standing, watching me lovingly. When I reached, he practically snatched my hand from my father's and removed my veil. When he saw my face, his eyes became wide and he asked "what happened to you face? It is swelled" and I replied "it was nothing" with a smile but I know he is not satisfied with my answer and he will question me about this later.

The priest who was standing in front of us was a very healthy man, with bright pink cheeks and was wearing long red colour robes with a weird hat on his head. He was weirdly smiling at me and Royce.

Then Royce gave him a deathly glare and the priest started his work immediately. Everything was just gone by blur, we said our I do! "Now you may kiss the bride" said the priest. "Finally" Royce said and kissed me deeply.

The crowd erupted in cheers and hooting it was too loud that no one was listening so the priest snatched the mike from the music station, stood on the stool and said "one! Two! Check! Okay everyone! I now pronounce you both husband and wife!"

Royce's men came running towards him, trying to bring him down! It was truly a shocking scene.

"So Mrs. Bianchi you are finally Mine! Forever!" He said and gave me a passionate kiss. "I'm yours" I said.

Never in a million years I would have thought that I will be Royce's wife. The man I loved since I didn't even knew the true meaning of love.

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