Chapter 1

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My life has always been a joke and I was always confused and wonder how I got here to be honest , I would cry remembering how things could be worse but heyy I'm here right.

Bip Bip Bip
Fuckk is it already morning ? My alarm rang for the 5th time after a few minutes, I was honestly tired. I didn't want to go to school , I just wanted to stay like this the whole time or forever but arrrgh before I make myself late let me just fucken get done and over with this day already but I honestly hate mondays, no infact I hate everyday. I finally woke up and did my morning routines and honestly looked pretty good not hot like most girls but just neat and a little terrible. I have been putting more effort on how I look , I have a few crushes that's the only thing that makes my life interesting.

I got to school just in time and a lot of children where coming in and took my sit and layed down to sleep , I was honestly tired, I didn't want to do anything but relax and a few moments later it was noisy and then my ex male bestfriend came and took a sit next to me well that's a story for another day.

Classes went well with a huge disturbance most of the time. My classmates were honestly the loudest ,funny and helped me escape reality at times but most of the time I couldn't focus to be honest , sometimes I would just overthink everything and then rush to the toilet to cry about it. I never had a crush in class they were all in other classes so I had nothing to worry about. The blood red eyes from crying? No one really cared

Ting Ting Ting
That was the breaks bell and everyone rushed out to buy fat cakes and other stuff but the lines were too long hence I always settle with taking a lunch box with. I sat alone and ate and decided to go to the toilet ,I was doing my grade 11 so nothing was difficult a lot of kids are kind to me , I never knew those that hated me and could care a damn , I too hated myself so what difference does it make?

I was finished in the bath room and when I was just walked out I saw Blue , Blue was this other crush of mine but he seemed not to notice me, no crush of mine did. he was walking with this girl and they seemed happy and to be honest the girl was pretty very pretty and couldn't care a damn still and stole a few glances and went in my class and then the periods went pretty well and was a bonuse that some teachers were tired , everyone was tired so more time for me to sleep.
Okay it was just me then !

All you need Is love but sometimes love alone isn't enough Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora