Chapter 8

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Life has been life especially my love life , I mean it's been 2 months of love and attention. What I'm trying to say 2 months of everything but i wouldn't say I'm in love or anything. I just enjoy being around him and I like him a lot , I'm not sure I even know how to love but then it's whatever. We've had arguements over stupid things but he always settles and comes back to us talking and being cool again


A month straight up our relationship , he made a picnic and it was rather romantic but was mad because that week we weren't really talking because of him being busy and stuff arrgh so after we ate and everything we decided to go his crib , no one was there and he was the elder son and his sister who was taken along with his parents , I never got to meet anyone there so yeah we just went there and chilled in his room and decided to do some Netflix and we ended up kissing , the kiss got rather heated up but I wasn't ready , i wasn't ready to do it , it felt wrong so i decided to stop it and backing out

"Uhmm , I think I should head back home" it was rather the first thing that came outta my head so I could escape him or everything

"What's wrong?" He looked at me and I couldn't read him , I didn't know what it was , but it was too soon very soon

"Nothing , I just have to go"

"But.. okay" that's all he said and we ended up walking home but it was very awkward because no one was talking and I told him to go back , I'll walk alone because it was pointless and he just ignored me and walked me until I got home and i was scared maybe my family might see him or something

"Bye" he looked at me not uttering anything and I tried to hug him but he took a few steps back , wow I was rather hurt but I just let it pass and ignored him. I walked a few houses and when I finally got home he turned around and left.

"Where have you been?" That was my mom , did she see us or something?

"Out" I just said

"Come with a baby and you'll see exactly who I am , you are very busy lately going in and out. They don't love you ,they just using you and..." I interrupted her I was not gonna listen to this bullshit

"Like they use you and shit? I'm not obviously gonna come with a baby ,I'm not like you and stay tf outta my business" I was angry and frustrated

"Oh this is how you gonna talk to me ?" While walking up to me , I had a long ass day and now this

"What did you expect you taught them like that" the sperm donor interrupted and they began arguing and I just went into my room and just wanted to cry , my heart was aching, it felt like I was suffocating, I could hold it back anymore

Did he really not love me? Am I unlovable? I cried everything out and my phone rang and didn't know the number so I just answered

"Hello" I kept quiet and I could only hear the person breathing and I sniffed a bit and decided to drop the call.

It rang a couple of times again the same number and blue but decided to ignore them both. I wasn't gonna do this to myself so I just rinsed my face and logged into facebook and got a text from J'Rome

"Hey stranger , you good ?" It's been a while since we spoke so I texted back

"Hi , I'm good you?"

And he ended up video calling me

"Hey again , you good?"

"Yeah I'm okay you?"

"you look like you have been crying , talk to me " I wanted to cry all over again "you have been crying right? And I justed shaked my head no "but you have eye bags, i thought we were friends" I breathed heavily

"And friends don't lie to each other"

"I'm okay , just frustrated with living that's all"

"You don't have to lie about it" I don't wanna talk about it "I'll talk with you tomorrow at school okay?" I just nodded my head

"Okay be well and you still look pretty" and laughed at him and decided to end the call and switch off the phone before sleeping.

The following day I didn't even bother looking at it , I just felt weak or rather sad but decided to do some music and go to school , I woke up early to walk because it was like an hour from home to school but nice thinking about walking it's that it's so relaxing and peaceful. I got to school and it was a Monday obviously everyone talking about how their weekend was and then it ended up being a staff meeting.

J'Rome peeked at the door and siya tried to get out of the chair but instead he said something really suprising

"I'm not here for you" and I looked up to him and he called me , we stood by the stairs and he kept on telling me how I look nice and better than yesterday. The conversation was rather flowing and nice

"Do you trust him?" The question caught me by surprise "Uhmm Blue?" Why was he asking that? I don't know

"Yeah why?" I really did trust him but wasn't fully invested in him

"He doesn't deserve you though , that's my que" that's when he left and was suprised but only to turn around and found Blue staring at us or rather me because I was alone until he came up to me

"What is going on between you two? You clearly have moved on" Blue was causing a huge scene for absolutely no reason

"What you on about?"I was getting pissed now "maybe I should move on and you should beleive what you saying"

"What you mean?"

"You so stupid getting mad for us not having sex or rather me not ready to get intimate with you ,acting like a brat and we might as well end this" my heart ached as I said that and his eyes were straight with hurt thou

"So you don't love me enough to stick with me ? I tried calling you, I sent a million texts trying to apologize for my behavior " did it matter ? Did it really matter? No fuck him

"Don't tell me about love , you know nothing about that" I knew I knew nothing too but he just pulled me into a kiss

"You are my babbby, so I ain't letting you go" he said and my heart melt not knowing what to say or how to behave.

End of flashback

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