Chapter 5

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It's around 8 PM and I'm just scrolling on my news feed and there is absolutely nothing interesting about that but I decided to check out Jerome and went through his timeline , I saw that his favourite artist maybe J'Cole. Maybe it's because their names start the same who knows? And that he is kinda toxic

"Fuck" I cursed out loudly after what I just did , I mistakenly liked his post (last years post) it seems like I'm stalking , I know I'm stalking but it doesn't have to be that obvious really. I hate me for this so I just decided to send him the friend request and I'll take it from there then dozed off

It's Saturday morning and I have class today and the only time I'm free is on Sundays but spend most of that time sleeping,  I really enjoy sleeping it gives me peace ,it makes me feel happy like I'm in my own world and everyone understands me ,to be short let me just say it gives me Peace that's all. I did all my daily routine and was a bit late because I waited 15+min for the taxi. I was now walking towards the school gate in a hurry to be honest but slowed down when I spotted emani and Angela just entering the gate and I was safe.

I saw Angela take Emani's bag but she noticed me and waited for me and when I got there Emani was with J'Rome well they both hot but  it would seem like I'm jealous so it's whatever but he would look better with me

"Heyy you" Angela hugged while whispering that heyy you

"Hey" I gave her the weakest smile ever but enough for her to not ask anything. I wasn't really in the mood for anything or people to be exact "we waiting for her?" I pointed at Emani with J'Rome

"No, she'll come when she's done" she pulled my hand and spoke about how the rest of the yesterday was and we left for class.

The class only took 2 and a half hour, It was only maths class so we could stay longer than that and we decided to buy some fat cakes with cold drink and just enjoy the day before reading other subjects. We take it as studying or helping each other out until we decide it's time to leave.

Blue came inside the class but I was glad it was a few people because others leave immediately when the teacher says class is dismissed. I wouldn't go home that early it's honestly depressing and they would probably tell me do this , do that the whole day so nah I'll just chill here.
"Hey" it was blue standing right in front of me and usher was there too witnessing everything because he was just next to me

"Hi" I honestly didn't wanna entertain him because he was so full of himself and bullshit included maybe it's because he's part of the school's hottest and most popular niggas

"Uhmmm" he began scratching the back of his head and j just stared at him giving out my full attention and the loudest class was very quiet taking a look at us (admire I may say) "can I walk you home today?" Is he honestly kidding me?

"What do you want?" I raised my voice being irritated now

"To take you home" I stared and got lost in those hazel eyes


"Please, just this once. I promise I won't waste your time"

"You are now" I got very pissed when held my face , i hate people touching me pulled it towards him and could feel his cold lips on mine and he just kissed me and I couldn't respond, I wasn't going to and it took less than 30seconds . I could not digest everything that was happening, I mean what the fuck just happened? And the class cheered and clapped.

"I'll see you later then" fucken child doesn't take a No for an answer and he walked out followed by Jerome and Emani ,so he saw it? Ohh God and Usher left banging everything else I mean it's not like I don't care anymore but No man this is a mess , a  hot mess now getting complicated.

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