Chapter 21 - Nefarious Deeds

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"That is so much better!" The change in Edward's demeanour was almost visible. It happened in a second, as if he had some kind of switch inside him that flipped.

Kit had no idea that his mental state was so damaged that he had another personality. If he wrestled with this kind of thing daily then he hid it very well. Edward's schizophrenia was obvious to her, but this was not. This was almost an entire step up from what she'd had him pegged as.

"So you're... another Edward?"

"Katherine. At last." He was smiling but it managed to be extremely unnerving.

"That's me." She confirmed, slightly wary. Who was she kidding, she was very very wary. An even more unpredictable Riddler seemingly lived within the already unpredictable Riddle, that was cause to be wary.

Before he continued, he analysed his surroundings and the striped prison uniform he still adorned.

"He's really trying all the tricks by letting me out, huh?" His voice was still Edward's but it taunted more. It had an almost musical undertone to it.

"Do you see everything he sees? You just live in his head?"

"I see pretty much all of it. When I'm in control, he gets glimpses, usually. That's why he doesn't trust me much. I'm cursed to forever bear witness to all of his stupidity. I don't usually apologise for him but I may have to in this case. Pretty faces make him stupid. Pretty faces with a brain behind them make him pathetic," He explained as if he wasn't talking about himself. "It's far more productive for business to just try to be one entity. You can't fight for anything, if you're always fighting yourself. The Edward you've come to know is a damaged little boy, he isn't a 'crawled up from hell' evil genius. All best bits come from yours truly."

That was interesting.

"So his criminal prowess comes from you?"

"Ooh I love how that sounds. But yes. The guy was kinda pathetic before. I'm much more fun," He gloats because changing the topic. "I really need to get out of these clothes. Still have to pick up that dry cleaning."

Kit tilted her head to get a better look at him. It was the same man but his mannerisms, baseline and speech patterns were entirely different. It was like speaking to someone else with his face. But it was him. Like the most convincing performance you'd ever seen, like he was in character.

"He wanted me to meet you. Any idea why?" She asked suddenly.

"No idea. But I've been dying to meet you."

As he took a step forward, Kit chose to hold her nerve and stay in place. Shrinking away from a threat was not only against her pride but cowardly police work.

"Is that not difficult? Having to watch your life happen and having no control-"

"Uh boring question. I feel like I'm in therapy. C'mon, let's talk about something else." He asked for a change of conversation but then turned around and briskly started walking into another room of the house.

Kit was momentarily puzzled by his disposition. Edward very rarely broke out of moments like this, he'd stand his ground and keep talking but this guy just walked off. He wasn't really standing down either, he just wanted to go somewhere else apparently.


"Come on, " He called back. Kit followed a few paces behind him. Last time they'd been stood in a study like this had been when he'd nearly shot her. But Katherine felt she had to remember this was more than likely a different person who should be given a fair estimation at the very least. He was looking around the room with distaste before speaking again. "I've always hated the way Oswald decorates. This weird 1940's interior is more rich old spinster, than criminal kingpin."

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