Chapter 13 - Loyalties

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The station was busy. Units of SWAT and uniform were dragging in anyone bold enough to stand between them and the names on Jim's list. Kit had just arrived for her first shift back since the chaotic week she had just had. Her eyes locked with Gordon's, who was leaning against the railing outside his office, overseeing Officers and criminals.

Jim nodded at his shaken prodigy. He was doing this because of Nygma. Part of the agreement to leave Nygma and Cobblepot to their business, was that they didn't lay a finger on cops. Edward had gone against that, in epic proportions. She wasn't sure how to process the whole ordeal, from the gun at her head to the drastic measures Jim had been taking.

"Hey, Kit! Kitty!" The familiar voice broke her from her from her thoughts. Zsasz was being practically dragged by two officers towards the cells, followed by two women who were also currently under arrest. How the hell had they managed to get Zsasz and a couple of his cronies in? This must've been a heavy duty bust. Jim was really serious about this whole thing, wasn't he?

"Oak, Phelps, I've got this one." Kit addressed the two Officers. Two massive, tough looking fellas who would snap any guy Zsasz's size in half. No matter how skilled you are, handcuffs are a serious handicap on a situation. Kit really didn't want to give them the chance to get him in a room alone. Cell or no cell.

"He's a little rowdy, Valentine. We were gonna throw him in a cell and let him calm down first." One of them told her, quietly.

Kit rolled her eyes.

"Zsasz escaped our custody twice in the past month. Best to keep him in an interrogation room to isolate him. Beside, he'll behave for me, won't you, Victor?" She turned her attention to the smug assassin.

"Oh absolutely, Kitty," The two men shrugged off the job, cautiously letting go of Zsasz as he taunted and made faces at them for his own amusement. She took his arm, which was cuffed behind his back, and led him through the station. "What the hell is going on? I got ambushed by like a hundred uniforms. Your people took in The Penguin and The Riddler. Has Jimbo finally lost his mind?"

"Jim's pissed that I almost got shot," She whispered back, reaching the door and pushing it open and bring Zsasz inside, closing it behind her, so she wouldn't have to whisper anymore. "He's got it out for all of you now."

"Oh come on, seriously? I helped get you out of that mess! Not out of the goodness of my heart or whatever, but I still did it. Nygma is the one who went all cuckoo-bananas on you, why can't Gordon just pick on him? I don't even wanna kill you. You're like my favourite cop. Which isn't saying a lot but-"

"You're talking too much and too loudly."

"I know," Zsasz didn't care. He didn't even try to lower his voice. "So, we're all being punished for Nygma's obsession with you? Since when did The GCPD have the balls to arrest Cobblepot? The guy's a brick wall. Get my cuffs?"

Kit just unlocked Victor Zsasz's handcuffs as if they were on the same side. He thanked her, slightly surprised. God, she was putting too much faith in psychopaths these days. She still felt as if Zsasz was part of the reason she was standing here today. Maybe she, in some odd way, also thought that she would avoid his wrath if they ever came to blows, because she took off his handcuffs that one time. He did seem a bit fickle. Either way, Victor Zsasz wasn't the one she wanted to arrest,

Zsasz groaned and sat down behind the desk.

"This is gonna cause trouble, isn't it?" She asked with a sigh. Victor just grinned at her. Kit didn't want to be responsible for multiple, riot related, deaths, which was likely going to be the outcome from arresting Oswald. "I'll speak to Cobblepot. I don't want him to think this was my doing, not after he saved my life."

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