Chapter 8 - Kitty

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Victor Zsasz drove like a complete and utter maniac in his old black Audi Quattro. Kit didn't recognise the route the man was driving but she did recognise the Led Zeppelin song on the radio, which she nodded in approval to. There wasn't much point asking questions. She had no idea where she'd end up, but irritating an assassin with her many questions wouldn't help the situation.

Likelihood was that Nygma was hoping to test her again, which meant people's lives were going to be at stake.

It wasn't that Kit didn't enjoy puzzles, she did. She just wasn't fond of the sort of puzzle that endangered lives. Planting bombs under her place of work was not the best way to get her attention, even though it worked. He was a man willing to kill, lie, steal and cheat. So were Cobblepot and Zsasz, yet Kit treated them quite kindly, like they were any other citizen. Except for Zsasz occasionally.

"So if you've been sent by Nygma, which you definitely have, what is it that he wants?"

"I don't actually know." Zsasz shrugged a little and glanced over at the woman sat in the passenger seat.

Kit could only desperately hope that Jim would try to call again or go to her apartment, finding it empty and start the search asap. But Jim was likely chasing leads to the Riddler's Ulysses nonsense, which was probably completely pointless.

"Did Cobblepot have anything to do with this at all or did you track me down all by yourself?" She raised an eyebrow.

"You have no faith in me whatsoever, Kitty." The assassin taunted. "But again, I don't know. Last time I checked, though, Penguin and Nygma were on good terms."

That couldn't be good. But it can't be bad either. Having the two most influential criminals in the city at war with each other could turn into an actual war. Gotham didn't need another war. Though, it was overdue a complete disaster if they were going by trend.

"Oh really?" She pressed.

"Yeah, they pulled off a string of bank robberies together a couple of months back. On the same day. It was aweso-"

"That was them?"

"Uh.. no?" Zsasz attempted to cover his slip up, unsuccessfully. He chuckled a little after a moment's silence. At the end of the day, Zsasz worked for himself now. Or whoever payed the most. His loyalty didn't lie with any one person anymore, he was just a hired hand.

"I thought you only did jobs for Oswald? You've been doing a lot of Nygma's dirty work recently." Kit wasn't sure if she was trying to rile him up or just ask the question. He didn't seem to mind her asking, she was still breathing after all.

"I work for whoever pays. Besides, you're my new nemesis. If this gets you off my case for a while, I'm all in."

"And what if he kills me?"

"Then you won't be on my case at all." Zsasz shrugged. He'd been smiling this whole time.

The road eventually lead them to a gate and the gate lead to a house. It was big and old fashioned, as if it had been built in the 19th century or some time before. Was she even in Gotham still? This didn't look like part of the city but she had learned not to be surprised by
anything here.

Her 'driver' pulled up. Kit gave the house a once over through the window. She tried to get out of the car but found it locked, preventing the door from budging. The Detective looked back over at Zsasz with a glare. The assassin was already looking at her, and didn't think to mention that he had the bloody child-locks on. He was insufferable sometimes.

"Sorry Kitty, precautions." He raised his non-existent eyebrows in jest.

"Would you not call me that?"

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