Not Him Again *Chapter 41*

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I'm a Kidnapped Runaway!

By: LoveLover

Chapter 41

Not Him Again

Heaven's POV

I walk into the living room with Drew and Jackie. Max, Spener, Conner, and Travis are here and messing around already.

"Heaven!" Max yelled and jumped on me practically.

I laugh and say, "Hi Max."

"Are we going or what?" Liz asked with her arms around Travis.

"Yes, we're going Liz" Drew said while rolling his eyes.

"Come on guys" Max said while running toward the door.

I laugh and follow him. Everyone else follows us too.

Drew takes my hand and we walk together. Soon Max is on my other side, holding my other hand.

"Hey girl. So how are you today?" Max asked.

I laugh and say, "I'm good. I mean I have two guys holding my hands so I'm doing realy good."

"Wait, what?" Drew asked, looking behind me and at Max. "What are you doing?" he asked him.

"Holding her hand. Duh!" Max said, smiling.

"Oh my god" Drew said, shaking his head.

I laugh and say, "I love you guys."

"Wow Heaven! How many boyfriends do you have?" Jamie yelled up to me.

"I'm not sure" I yelled back to her with a big smile.

I hear her laugh and then whisper something to Conner.

"So Drew... and Max. Nice day huh?" I asked, trying to make conversation with both of them.

"Well you guys are boring!" Max said loudly and stomps off to Spencer and Jackie. He's such a dork.

"It is a nice day" Drew said with a smile.

I smile back and nod in a agreement.

"So where are we going?" Spencer asked.

"I don't know" I yelled back to him.

"How about we go to the pool" Drew suggested.

I smile and nod.

"Follow us guys" Drew yelled and picks me up. Then he takes off running towards the pool. I look behind us to see everyone running except Jackie. Max is carrying her which makes me smile. They would be cute as a couple.

We get to the pool and Drew puts me down. "Thank you" I said and kiss him on the cheek.

"Wait. How are we going to swim if we don't have swim suits?" Jackie asked.

"We can just swim in our underwear" Liz said.

I shrug and ask, "Why not?" I run behind a tree and take off all of my clothes except for my underwear and bra. Then I run to the pool and jump in. When I resurface, I yell, "Come on guys!"

Liz laughs and soon joins me. Then Jamie and Jackie. Finally all of the guys jump in with us.

"Do you want to keep that hand Drew?" I asked him when I feel his hand on my upper thigh.

He laughs and says, "Okay, okay. Don't cut any of my limbs off!"

I hear Liz laugh and see her watching us. "Careful Drew! She's a dangerous little human" she told him.

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