Talking Things Out *Chapter 18

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I'm a Kidnapped Runaway!

By: LoveLover

Chapter 18

Talking Things Out

I wake up and see Drew still asleep. I smile and then quietly roll out of bed, trying not to wake him up. I then go to the bathroom and look at myself. I don't look to good. My hair is a mess and I still look tired even though I've slept most of the day. It must be an effect of the hangover.

I find a brush in one of the drawers and quickly comb through my hair. After that, I walk back into the room. Drew is still sleeping.

I shake my head and walk out of his room. I go to the stairs and hear voices below. I go down the stairs and into the living room. Kile, Jamie, Lizzy, Max, Conner, and Travis are there and they are arguing about something.

I go over to Conner who is quiet and tap him on the shoulder. He looks at me in surprise and then pulls me out of the room.

"What's going on?" I asked him when we get into the hall.

"Max and Spencer found Travis in there and started asking him all these questions. Then Lizzy,Jamie, and I walked in. Jamie started yelling at Travis. Max tried explaining to her that it wasn't entirely Travis's fault. She wouldn't listen though and Travis got pissed. He started yelling back and then Lizzy snapped. Spencer and I tried to calm everyone down but he gave up and left. And then Kile came down and started yelling at us for being idiots" he explained.

"How long have they been yelling at each other?" I asked him.

"I don't know. Maybe a half an hour" he said.

I shake my head. "Lizzy and Travis need to talk this out" I said.

"Yeah, I know."

I sigh and walk back into the living room with Conner following me. I go to the middle of the room where the little table is. I stand on top of it and take a deep breath. Then, I scream.

Everyone stops arguing and looks up at me. I sigh in relief. Finally it's quiet!

"All of you are so stupid!" I yelled at them. "Yelling at each other is not helping anyone. Liz and Travis. You two need to talk this out. Without everyone yelling at each other."

"I'm not going to talk to him by myself" Lizzy said.

I sigh and then say, "Then I will be with you guys."

"Fine with me" Lizzy said.

"Same here" Travis said.

"It's not fine with me" Kile said.

"No one cares Kile" Jamie said.

Kile glares at her and then leaves the room. Jamie rolls her eyes.

"Come on you two," I said to Lizzy and Travis. "We're going to Drew's room."

They nod their heads and we go up to Drew's room.

"Wait out here real quick" I tell them. I go into Drew's room and go over to his bed. Of course he's still asleep. "Drew. Wake up honey. It's time to deal with every one's problems" I said in a sweet voice.

"I don't want to deal with any problems!" Drew whined.

"Too bad. Get up!"

He sighs and sits up. "What?"

"Lizzy and Travis need to talk. They are waiting outside your door" I told him.

Drew groans and gets out of bed. "I'm only doing this for you" he said.

I smile. "Thank you."

We go to the door and open it. I gasp and almost yell because of what I see in front of me. Lizzy and Travis are making out!

"Well I'm not a genius but I'm pretty sure that's not talking" Drew said.

When they hear his voice, the two of them jump apart. "Oops" Lizzy said.

"I'm guessing you don't need to talk anymore" I said to them.

Lizzy smiles nervously and blushes. "I guess not" she said.

"Look, Heaven. I'm sorry for what I did to you," Travis said. Then he looks at Drew. "Sorry Man for knocking you out."

"It's cool" he said.

Travis nods and then smiles at Liz. "Well I guess we will go" he said.

"Kay" I said.

They walk away together and I find myself smiling. I'm happy everything worked out.

"Why are you smiling?" Drew asked.

"They're happy" I said with a sigh.

"You're so weird" he told me.

I shake my head and ask, "What do I have to do today, Sir?"

"Well my room needs dusting" he said.

"Okay." I walk back into his room and get to work.

I hope you liked it! Sorry it's so short. Please vote and leave a comment! Thank you!!!

I'm a Kidnapped Runaway!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora