Drunken Kisses *Chapter 15*

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I'm a Kidnapped Runaway!

By: LoveLover

Chapter 15

Drunken Kisses

Heaven's POV

The limo pulls up to the house and everyone piles out. I'm the last person to get out. When I step out, everyone is already in the house except for Lizzy.

"Thanks for waiting for the slow human" I thanked her.

She smiles. "What are friends for?"

I laugh and we walk up the steps together. I open the door and everyone is already dancing to the loud music and partying it up. All of them have alcohol filled red cups in their hands.

"Can vampires get drunk?" I asked Lizzy.

She laughs and says, "Of course!" Then she goes to the kitchen to probably get a red cup.

I shake my head and follow her. When I get in the kitchen, Travis hands me a cup with a smile.

"Thanks" I said.

He nods his head and then walks out of the kitchen.

I take a sip of the drink and smile. It's Smirnoff! I love this stuff! I take another sip and walk out of the kitchen and into the living room. I smile when I see Jamie dancing like a freak in the middle of the room.

I slip off my uncomfortable heels and sigh in relief. My poor feet.

I walk over to Drew and Max. They are sitting on the couch laughing.

"Hi guys" I said.

They look up at me and smile.

"Hey there" Max said with an adorable smile.

I laugh and ask, "Max, will you please dance with me?"

He raises his eyebrows.


He sighs. "Fine." He stands up and I pull him over to where Jamie and Conner are dancing. I laugh as we start dancing.

About two hours and a lot of red cups later, I'm laying on the couch with my head in Spencer's lap. I'm laughing for no reason and he keeps slurring his words.

Everyone is drunk. Jamie is laying on the ground, mumbling random things. Conner is laying next to her, drawing things in the air. Lizzy and Travis disappeared together. Max and Drew are playing a racing game, but they aren't getting very far.

I look up at Spencer. "Er hotttt" I mumbled.

He smiles down at me. "You bootful" he slurred.

I laugh and sit up. I scoot over to him and bring his face down to mine. And I kiss him!

He kissed me back. He's a really good kisser too! So we sit on the couch and make out.

There's a sound as if some one's clearing their throat. Spencer and I break apart and look up. Kile and Jasmine are standing there, staring at all of us.

"What the fuck?" Kile yelled.

I start laughing and turn back to kissing Spencer.

"Hi Ky" I heard Jamie say.

"You guys are so stupid!" I heard Kile yell. "Spencer! Stop kissing her!"

Spencer pulls away and flips Kile off.

"Alright! All of you up to your rooms!" Kile yelled.

Slowly, we all get up and walk to the stairs. I trip on every other stair and laugh every time, even if I hurt myself. On my fourth trip, Spencer picks me up and slowly carries me to one of the rooms. He puts me on the bed and I try to get comfortable. I really want to sleep.

I groan after a while.

"Whaaa ong?" I heard Spencer ask from next to me.

"I not comtale" I complain. I unzip the back of my dress and pull it off. I throw it on the ground and then roll over. I feel Spencer's hand on my arm and I grab it.

He pulls me to him and kisses me. We start to make out again.

After a minute, I pull away because I'm tired.

"Nigh" I mumbled to Spencer.

"Mmm" is his response.

Then we fall asleep.

I wake up with a horrible headache. I groan and open my eyes. I'm in a room that I don't recognize.

I sit up and then regret going so fast. I hold my head and close my eyes. "Oww!" I groaned.

"Heaven?" I heard a guy voice ask.

My eyes snap open and I look next to me. Spencer is there, sitting up on his elbows. He looks really confused.


He looks me over and then snaps his eyes back up. "Umm maybe you should cover up" he said, looking a little nervous.

I look down at myself and notice that I'm only wearing a bra and underwear. I gasp and pull the covers up. "What happened last night?" I asked.

"Well since I have a hangover and I'm guessing you do too, we had a little too much to drink last night. But since I still have most of my clothes on, I don't think we went too far" he said. He looks really nervous now.

"Okay, well that's good. I only remember a little bit of last night. What about you?" I asked.

"I remember a little bit" he said.

"What do you remember?"

He looks up at me and smiles. "Partying, drinking, kissing you, and that's about it" he told me.

I smile. "That's what I remember. Oh, and Kile. I remember him yelling at us about something, but i don't know what."

He nods his head. "Knowing Kile, it was probably something stupid" he said with a cute smile.

I smile too. Then I feel a throb in my head and groan.

"Head?" he asked.

I nod my head and lay back down.

I close my eyes and sigh. Hangovers suck!

I feel movement on the bed and open my eyes. Spencer is now lying beside me with his head propped up on his elbow. He smiles at me.

"Doesn't your head hurt too?" I asked him.

"A little bit. I just feel sick to my stomach when I move" he said.

"Today should be a stay in bed, day" I told him.

"I agree."

"Hey Spencer?"


"Did you like kissing me last night?" I had to ask.

His smile goes away and he says, "My drunken mind did."

"Oh" I said while looking at my hands.

Spencer pulls me to him and I look up. "Why don't we see how my sober mind likes it?" he asked with a mischievous grin.

I laugh. "Why not?"

He kisses me and it's so nice! He is the best kisser I've ever kissed.

He pulls away and says, "Yeah, my sober mind likes it too."

I smile. "So does mine." Then we kiss again.

Well I hope you liked it. I'm a little sad because I'm not getting that many comments. I'm starting to think you guys don't like my story. :( Anyways. Please leave a comment and vote! Oh and I put pictures of the new people up. So go to the link below and check it out!


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