Chapter 10: Bullet of the Gods

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"You look very pleased." Electra watched Maia fold a dress for her suitcase. She'd been glowing all morning. Had she visited Sam again? Naughty little sister, cheating already? But since Electra had done the same with Neal, she'd let it pass.

"And why shouldn't I be?" Maia said defensively. "We have thirteen pure-bloods on their way to their new homes. Do you know when the next alignment will occur?"

Electra zipped up her suitcase. "Not for a few years, unfortunately. Gemma said the situation is growing dire in Continental Europe. I'd already agreed to dispatch two pure-bloods to our sisters in Zagreb and Kenya. We may need to send more." At Maia's frown, she added, "Don't pout. We'll still have plenty. I saved the best for us."

"When does Gemma's plane leave?"

"She'll fly out of New York City this afternoon."

"Why doesn't she simply teleport her way home?"

"You know why. Every time we use magic, we increase the risk of discovery. I have no desire to move especially now that I've met such charming new friends."

Maia smiled. "I think I'll invite Chloe out to lunch. She may be able to help me pick out a cottage."

"Your love nest for Sam?"

"I can hardly let him stay at our house, can I? I plan to acquire a dog as well. Sam likes dogs." She paused for a moment, smoothing her silk robe. "Perhaps a Borzoi."

"You don't think it will be too large?"

Maia shrugged. "Sam would prefer a large dog. Can you picture him with a toy terrier?"

"With ribbons? No, I don't think so."

"I'll name her Tatyana, in honor of Sasha."

Electra smiled tolerantly at her. Pushkin has long been Maia's favorite protégé. She'd bought a Borzoi for him, too, keeping it at their dacha. Was Maia equating Sam with Sasha? She'd taken Pushkin's death very hard. That could explain the depth of her infatuation.

Maia was gazing dreamily out the window. "Sasha expressed his love for me in Eugene Onegin. How will Sam?" She turned to regard Electra. "What about you, sister? What plans are you concocting?"

"I believe a trip to New York City is in order. I've heard of a promising young artist I may wish to cultivate."

"Let me guess. He wouldn't happen to have the initials N.C.?" Maia raised her glass to her and smiled. "Should we make a pact? No more dipping into their dreams until we've become physically intimate?"

"But this time, no cheating," Electra cautioned. Would Maia be able to control her appetite? For that matter, would she? From Maia's smile, she knew she was thinking the same thing.

* * * * *

"What is that?" Peter stared in amazement at the oblong rock Travis had placed on the table in the classroom. It was dark carmine red. One end was rounded and smooth as if it had been polished. "A bullet from the gods?"

He and El had arrived at the observatory that morning to find Neal, Travis, Mozzie, Janet, and the Winchesters gathered in the classroom.

"That's an apt description," Travis said. "This is an iron meteorite. The nose cone effect was caused by the surface melting when it hit our atmosphere. It was still warm to the touch when we found it. The odds are high it's one of the meteors we saw in the night sky on Tuesday."

"Early this morning we investigated the area where Neal spotted the vampire lovefest," Dean said. "We took our EMF meter along."

"What's an EMF meter?" El asked.

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