Abridged Chapter 39 - Ideas and Soap

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Again, the 'canon' version of this chapter includes some of Adam's naughtier thoughts. So if you're 18+ and want to read the original story, it's in the other copy of this book. This is an abridged chapter, where they're behaving better.

This is also probably one of the weakest chapters in the book, when I was rushing to finish. If people (especially my Patreons) are interested, I'll probably rewrite this part)

Adam found all of the baby wipes and everything else he needed in the bathroom. He changed out of his diaper and cleaned himself up as best he could. He knew that he was clean now, but somehow he still felt dirty. It was the only time he had messed his pants in as long as he could remember, and the feeling disgusted him. Still, he was starting to gain confidence that Lorelei's torture wouldn't last much longer.

He wanted to gloat, and to explain to Claudia what he'd realised and what he had done, but he knew there were other things to do first. Once he had rolled up all the dirty wipes inside the diaper, he realised that there wasn't enough space to put it in the bin. There was only a little trashcan here, and it wasn't designed to hold multiple dirty diapers from two adults. So he searched through the cupboards for thick trash bags, and tipped everything into one. He knew that he would have to take them outside to get rid of the smell, even if Claudia hadn't ordered him to take them out. But he wasn't properly dressed now, he had no intention of putting another diaper on, and his own clothes weren't here. So he grabbed a robe from the hook behind the door, not really caring whose it was, and put it on over the pink checked dress. He ran outside, getting only a few spots of rain on the robe before he got to the big bin in the yard, and checked on Lorelei in the lounge quickly before heading back upstairs.

Claudia was waiting on the landing, with a little basket of shower gel, shampoo, and other potions of varying colours in bottles whose shape was enough to convince him that they would include some kind of floral scents.

"You clean now?" she asked.

"About as clean as I can get with wipes. Can't wait to get a shower. But not sure if we'll be making dinner late by the time we're both clean. Do I need to wait until later?"

"You should get properly clean. You've done everything to make me comfortable, and I should insist you do the same. If Lorelei doesn't like waiting, that's tough. I'll turn the music up, and you won't hear her calling over the shower."

"I don't think that will be necessary," he said, with a smile that probably came off like some kind of enigmatic know-it-all. That wasn't the impression he wanted to give, if he was hoping she would like him, but it was too late to take the words back now. "But you should shower. I can go later, after dinner."

"No. Now you said something so mysterious, I need to know what I missed. Get in the bathroom. You can tell me while I shower."

Adam wanted to object. He knew that he shouldn't be anywhere near a cute girl while she was in the shower, but it wasn't like he had any choice when she'd phrased it so forcefully. He walked into the room and faced the wall as he heard the shower turn on behind him, and tried to keep his mind on all the questions that Claudia was asking

"So, you think the cakes are wearing off, right?" her voice came from the shower. "What is that? We've got some kind of tolerance, it's not as strong the second time? Or does this root go off as the cupcakes go stale? I know she must have had them in that box since the last babysitter was here, or even longer if she'd been collecting them one each time Mum's away for the evening. But damn, that was like eating sand. I shouldn't be surprised if the drugs don't age so well."

"Yeah, sorry they were so dry. I just thought..."

"Wait, that's your fault?" Claudia called back. "Or are you just the nice guy apologising for everything."

"Well she asked me–"

"No, I can't hear you over the shower. Come here, there's space for two of us. Just keep facing the wall, and keep your hands and eyes to yourself."

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