But friends don't look at friends that way

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Hoseok went away to find Yoongi again. Taehyung stayed on his couch as tears stung his eyes.

"At least you're happy.....bestie." He said sniffling but smiling at the same time. He was really happy for Hoseok but he decided to focus on himself and get therapy. He deserves to be just as happy as anyone else.
"I'm coming Yoongs." Hoseok whispered to himself running. Once he arrived in front of Yoongi's house he took a second to catch his breath before knocking. After knocking for about 10 minutes straight, a pissed Yoongi answered.

"Who th-Hoseo-"

Hoseok didn't let him finish. He rushed in and attached their lips together, kissing Yoongi passionately. Yoongi broke it apart with a look of terror on his face.

"W-what about Taeh-"

"We're no longer together. He knows that I love you so he let me go." Hoseok said smiling. For the first time in years, he witnessed Yoongi cry. The only other time was when they were in kindergarten and he scraped his knee.

"I....love you too. And I'm sorry that-"

"It's okay. Let's go inside." Hoseok said as Yoongi moved out of the way so Hoseok could enter. He sniffed and wiped his nose.

"So can you be my boyfriend....o-officially?" Yoongi asked with hopeful eyes. Hoseok nodded and Yoongi attached their lips again.
At Namjoon's Party
"Here's the birthday boyyyyy~" Namjoon said making everyone cheer for Jungkook.

"Thank you!" He responded blushing. Jin hugged him from the side and began shouting,

"NOW LETS PARTYYYYY!" Everyone cheered again and music started blasting. Jungkook and Jin began dancing to a song named "UGH". They bopped their head and twisted around each other. Until a slower song called "Love Maze" came on. They giggled to each other and laced their fingers together. Jungkook noticed that his hand felt much more comfortable in Jins hand than in Jimin's, but he shook the thoughts away. Jin then slid his hands down to Jungkook's waist and Jungkook layed his head on his chest with his arms around his neck in response. They slowly swayed back and forth. Occasionally looking up into each other's eyes.

"You're so beautiful." Jin said making Jungkook blush in the dark.

"And you're veeeeeeeeeery handsome." They both giggled at Jungkook's joke.

"I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT!" Namjoon said gaining everyone's attention. "AS WE KNOW ITS STILL JUNGKOOKS BIRTHDAY SO LETS PLAY HIS FAVORITE SONG WAP- I MEAN EUPHORIA!" Namjoon said chuckling at himself. The song Euphoria came on and everyone cleared out to watch Jin and Jungkook dance. It was so........Euphoric! The dim lights set the right mood and everything. At the end of the song, Jin began singing to him,

"Take my hands now, you are the cause of my Euphoria." Everyone cooed at the cute moment. Jin leaned in and gently kissed Jungkook's lips making everyone clap and cheer. They pulled away blushing. "I hope that was alright." Jin said nervously. Jungkook pecked him once again.

"It was more than alright." They both laughed at each other and carried on with the party.
6 Years Later
Jungkook and Jin have been dating since then. And they're doing A LOT better than Jimin and Jungkook did. Jin treats Jungkook like his real princess and Jungkook had become less shy and more confident. Jungkook is a doctor while Jin is a Supermodel.

Taehyung finally got out of therapy and he's obviously much better. He also met a guy named Namjoon, who seemed familiar until he realized that he's been to his house before. They became really close friends quickly since they both fell in love with each other's smile. Taehyung is now a Chef and Namjoon is an artist.

Friends Don't Look At Friends That Way (COMPLETE)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن