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This month, we are interviewing slimmwrites

ToD: For this month's aspire magazine, our tagline is 'to enjoy'. What do you enjoy most about writing?

slimmwrites: Writing enables me to dive into and explore the possibilities of so many other worlds, put down experiences from characters who more or less end up in larger-than-life situations or relatable everyday ones. It's the magic of creating something, which I enjoy most.

ToD: What do you enjoy most about writing on Wattpad, specifically?

slimmwrites: On wattpad, it's the community! I love hearing the thoughts of readers through inline comments as they progress in books, seeing the motivating and inspiring messages left on my board. Those are priceless and get me smiling impossibly wide.

ToD: What inspired you to start writing?

slimmwrites: I've always loved being immersed and engaged in books while reading, and from an early age, reading has been one of the things I enjoy doing most. Realizing that even I could write something that could make others feel the same way I did while I read, is one of the reasons I ventured into it.

ToD: Are there ever times where writing doesn't bring you joy?

slimmwrites: Honestly, yes. I love to write with every fibre of my being, but experiencing certain things like imposter syndrome and feeling like my works are subpar, are some things that suck the joy out of the activity. Writer's block also makes me want to give up sometimes, which then makes me feel worse knowing that I'm not being productive.

ToD: What would you say readers enjoy most about your protagonists?

slimmwrites: I think readers love the fact that my protagonists are actually human. They have faults, flaws, dreams, and hopes. And they most definitely make a lot of questionable decisions---which a large number of readers both love, despise, and all too well relate to.

ToD: What kind of conflicts get in the way of your protagonist's joy, whether it be internal or external?

slimmwrites: Most of the time, my protagonists deal with internal conflicts which sort of retards yet cements their development in the story.

ToD: What book, that you've written, has brought you the most joy?

slimmwrites: I've got to say Sincerely, Mysterious! Even though it was not properly-plotted (like every single one if my works) it turned out to be one of the most satisfying things I've written. Readers on both Tapas and Wattpad love Adrian and Parker as much as I do, and the whole premise of their story is both tearjerking and thoroughly heartwarming.

ToD: What's one thing you would like readers to take from your stories?

slimmwrites: What readers get from reading my books is very subjective, but the general one I assume is the notion each of them get, is that it's perfectly okay to be yourself: to mess up, feel weak, cry, and get back up. I would love it if everyone reflects on that little piece and realize that they're worth every good thing that comes their way.

ToD: Do you have any specific character you're most proud of writing and why?

slimmwrites: Evie, from my book 'Lies and Other Necessities.' She is one character who learned that it was not wrong to feel emotions, and that it was as necessary to be weak as much as it was to be strong. She had so much growth and didn't really on a love interest as a cure to her problems, but as a rock she could always lean on when things got overwhelming.

ToD: What's some advice you can give to new and old writers?

slimmwrites: I'm not a professional writer and I'm fairly new to the game myself, but I've learned enough to know that it's okay to abandon works or do rewrites. Newer writers should not beat themselves up over works that may lack in quality or that SPARKLE factor---even I, have terrible drafts long removed because of the cringe and total lack of an actual story. Practice, consistency, and willingness to learn as well as reading a lot, are all factors to help you on your journey. To older writers, I do not have any specific advice, only that they should take their time to provide insight to those just starting out. We appreciate it a lot!


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