behind closed doors

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danielles pov

Its late at night around 12:18, and Im in my trailer on set. I had thought about going home but it was to far of a drive and I had to get up early either way for our first cold read of the new episode. Im going through the story in my head trying to make it as realistic as possible, I fleep to the next page of the script and my eyes shoot down as soon as I read the word "intimit." My eyes quickly read the sentance as get butterflies. I have a love scene with Stefania tomorrow, I say in my head, and as soon as I understand what Im saying I continue to repeat it out loud. " I have a love scene with stefania" I repeat multiple times, everytime I say it I feel a rush. Ive never felt like this before, sure Ive had scenes with Carina in station 19, but never a sex scene. I sit on the small couch I have at the back of my trailer and continue to read the scene, I keep reading as it keeps getting more and more intense, until a knock on the door startles me and I jump up, hiding the script. To be honest Im not sure why I hid the script, its not like I did anything. I walk to the door and calmly as I can say
who is it?"
"Its me bella" stefania says in her beautiful accent.
I open quickly, excited to see her!
"HI BEAUTIFUL" I say back as the door opened and she stands there in a small robe that ends at her gorgeous thighs.
"Arent you cold" I say trying to bring her inside.
"Oh dont worry about me danielle, im about to shower and I was just wondering if you have read the script for tomorrow yet"
I panic not knowing what to say, my heart is racing and I blurt out
"oh ahah I havent yet" I say quickly not sure what I should have said.
"oh I see I see" she says crossing her arms and looking at the ground. I could tell she wanted to say something about it so I asked to see her opinion. " Why?" I say smirking at her but not trying to be to obvious that I did in fact read it. She stood there slowly looking up at me, "well...  once you do we should practice our parts" she says brushing her hands threw her hair, oh I would just love to do that. "I will get on that" I say licking my lips just enough to flirt with her without making it to obvious that I was excited she wanted to "practice" we said good night and I slowly close the door, watching her walk away. I close the door and grab the script reading the part over and over till I fell asleep.

-I hope you enjoyed that <3 (dont worry the next part will be so good)

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