The Bet.

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Hailee's POV

Y/N and I have been officially together for two months now. Our schedules lately have become pretty hectic but we manage to find time for each other whenever we can. I will take the short break I get during dance rehearsals at my studio to run down to her shop to see her. Just being near her gives me the energy to get through my long days. If there are days that I am too busy to even stop to eat, Y/N always finds a way to bring me food and make me sit for a few minutes to eat. One pact we made to each other is that we will always take one night out of the week to put our phones and work aside to just spend with each other. Y/N ends up cooking me a nice meal and usually a massage or hot bubble bath to allow me some time to relax. I never knew someone so selfless than her. 

 I leave tomorrow for 3 weeks to fill in on part of a tour where one of the opening acts was unable to continue. I jumped at the opportunity since I miss being on stage. I am currently trying to pack and get everything ready so that I can spend tonight with Y/N for our date night. Thankfully packing for tour is pretty easy as I only have to really pack the comfy clothes for when I am on the bus. My team has already picked out my stage outfits and prepared them for me. 

"Your dad and I want to have a family dinner tonight that way we can see you before you leave" Cheri says to you as she enters into your room. 

You freeze for a moment knowing that you have already promised the night to Y/N. 

"uhh that sounds nice mom, but I already made plans with Y/N for dinner." you say trying to sound like you are sad to miss out on family dinner but knowing you can't break the promise of date night. 

"Invite her over for dinner instead and then you guys can hang out afterwards. Your dad is really looking forward to dinner since he hasn't seen you much lately and you know how he gets when you leave town." Cheri pulls out her best guilt trip. 

Although you and Y/N have gotten pretty serious, you are unsure about a family dinner as you have yet to tell your parents you are gay. 

"Sure, I'll ask her." you say now nervous to make the phone call. You didn't want to disappoint your dad for dinner, but you also didn't want to break your promise with Y/N for date night. 


You are just finishing up at the shop when your phone starts to ring. Looking down you see Hailee's name on the screen. You can't help but smile. 

"Hey baby! I was just headed home to prepare for tonight. you want anything special for dinner?" you ask excitedly. 

"I do have a special request for dinner... but its not what you think" Hailee says nervously. 

"Is everything ok?" you ask. 

"yeah, my mom is really laying on the guilt for me to be at family dinner tonight, but I know I promised you a date night since I'm leaving and I want to spend the time with you. but..." 

"but it's your family, its okay have dinner with them and then come over after?" you ask trying to not sound disappointed. 

"Actually, I told my mom I had plans with you, and she insisted I invite you too so that I wouldn't have to cancel completely." You can hear the nervousness in Hailee's voice. Unsure if it is because she is changing date night or if she doesn't want you to come to family dinner. 

"Is that something you want as well?" you ask unsure of what she truly wants and not wanting to rush her into anything she isn't ready for. 

"Of course I want you to meet my family, I'm just nervous because I haven't told them about me yet and you know how we are when we are together, it's hard to hide what we feel for each other. I-" Hailee starts to ramble on but you cut her off. 

"I promise to be on my best behavior and if it becomes to hard for you to resist me, I will fake an emergency call and leave that way it doesn't become an issue. does that sound ok?" you try to make light of the situation hoping it would realive Hailee some. 

"I was more worried about you not being able to resist me!" 

"I think I'm pretty great with self control, unlike you who tries to attack me every chance you get." You tease back. 

"oh ok well dinner tonight at 7, I will text you my parents address. Game on babe! We shall see who has the most self control tonight!" 

"Prepare to lose. I'll have my emergency call on standby for when you're about to lose control!" 

With that you both hang up the phone. You knew giving Hailee a challenge would make her forget about her nervousness and make her eager to prove you wrong. You head home and try to figure out what you are going to wear. You pack a little overnight bag just incase hiding inside it the necklace you bought for Hailee. You wanted to give her something before she heads off on tour so that she would have a little piece of you with her on the trip along with a small stuffed elephant to remind her of your first date, something she can cuddle with on the bus. 

You are slightly nervous for family dinner hoping that you can make a good impression but also hoping you can keep yourself in control enough that you won't lose the bet. You don't want to do anything to make it awkward with Hailee and her parents especially with them not knowing about your relationship. 

To be continued.... 


I know it's been forever since I updated and I wanted to get something out so you knew I was trying. I have so many ideas for where I want this story to go but every time I sit down to write, it just doesn't come out the way I want or I feel like I am forcing myself to write. Hopefully since my life seems to be settling down some I'll be able to jump back in and pump out some good chapters. Next chapter will be the big family dinner all leading up to Hailee going on tour for 3 weeks. Will they survive family dinner? Who will lose the bet? Will Y/N make a good impression or will Hailee's parents not like her? A lot of things can happen!! 

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