One year anniversary

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*small time jump, sorry if things seem off, to be honest i would have to reread my whole story that i wrote so far to know what I've already done or said as far as timeline so if I'm off I'm sorry but this came to me and I haven't written for a while so i wanted to get it out while it was on my fingertips*

You wake up and roll over to snuggle in close to Hailee only to find the spot next to you in bed empty. You lay your head back down on your pillow and rub your eyes trying to remember the events of the night before. Although you drank a lot, you know that you did not fall asleep alone. You get out of bed naked and throw on a hoodie you find on the chair near your bed. You bring the cloth up to your nose and inhale deep. It must be a hoodie that Hailee recently wore as you can still smell her scent on it. You head down to your kitchen hoping to find Hailee cooking up something good for breakfast but as you turn the corner you see that the kitchen is empty.

"HAILEE" you yell out standing for a moment to hear a reply but hear nothing. You head back to your room and grab your phone. Opening up to Hailee's text message thread, you smile seeing a photo she had texted you last night of the two of you. Hailee was sitting on your lap arms around your neck looking into your eyes. You both are smiling the kind of smile that comes at the tail end of a hard laugh. Despite your memory being foggy from the alcohol, looking at the picture brings back all the warm feelings of that moment.

Hailee's friends had put together a surprise party to celebrate your one year anniversary together. Drinks were flowing, music was thumping and good times were had by all. It was a night for you and Hailee to let loose and just relax surrounded by those you both love and trust. Towards the end of the night, you were feeling pretty drunk and you were sitting in a chair watching Hailee dance with a group of her girl friends. You can see that she was singing along to the words of one of her favorite songs, TLC "No Scrubs". You sat back in your chair and was memorized at how happy and free she looked. The smile that was on her face is one you rarely get to see, the movements of her body flowing without restraint. With Hailee's career you have learned very quickly how everything she does is monitored by the public from the way she walked, to the way she sat or the certain look on her face, but here tonight, she was able to let loose and just enjoy life. Hailee glanced over while dancing and caught your stare. She danced her way over to you and when she was close she tripped on a wet spot on a the floor and fell into your lap. Your arms wrapped around her to steady her and her arms went around your neck to try to stop herself from falling. You both laughed once steady looking into each other's eyes. It was that moment that someone had snapped the picture of you two.

Your phone dinged bringing you back to the present.

"Bringing back breakfast and coffee soon! Kisses"

That answered the question as to where Hailee is. You go sit on the couch throwing a fleece blanket over your bare legs and turn the tv on. As you were flipping through the channels, you hear the front door open. Hailee entered with a few small bags in her hands along with a drink carrier holding two coffees. She comes and sits down on the couch next to you setting the food and drinks on the coffee table in front of you.

"Good Morning my love" Hailee says as she leans in and gives you a gentle kiss on your lips.
"Good Morning indeed!" You reply back.

Hailee hands you your coffee and then grabs a bag and pulls out a large banana nut muffin.
"My favorite! Thank you babe! And Happy One Year Anniversary!" You say as you lean in and give Hailee a kiss on her cheek.

"Here is to many many more years" Hailee says as she holds up her coffee in a toast. You tap your coffee against hers. Hailee grabs her coffee and muffin and snuggles up next to you on the couch.

"I love you." You whisper into Hailee's ear once she was nestled in next to you. "I love you too."

Once food and coffee was done, Hailee got up and took the remains to the trash. You got up to head to the bedroom to grab your gift for Hailee. When you came back to the living room, Hailee was sitting on the couch, you watched her as her eyes scanned up and down your body . You sat down next to her handing her a nicely wrapped box.

"I just want you to know that the past year of my life that I've shared with you has been the best year of my life. I wouldn't change a second of it. No matter what comes at us, I want you to know that I will always be by your side. I love you Hailee. Happy Anniversary."

"Aww babe i love you too." Hailee says as she leans over and gives you a peck on the lips. She slowly starts to unwrap the box to reveal a Prada box.

"OOO babe! Prada!" Hailee says with excitement. Hailee opened the box and pulled out the black bag.

"Uh babe?" Hailee looks at you confused while holding up the bag. "I think you ordered the wrong thing..."

"What do you mean?" You ask with a smirk on your face.

"This bag is for a dog. It's a dog carrier not a purse." Hailee said still puzzled.

"Yeah isn't it great!" You reply excitedly. "You can carry it with these little handles or a shoulder strap and it has this amazing fabric inside that is so soft!"

"Ya but babe... I don't have a dog..." Hailee said still trying to find the piece of the puzzle she seemed to be missing.

"Not yet you don't BUT I got word of a rescue that just recently happened and there are some of your favorite puppies about to be up for adoption and I was able to get us the chance to go and pick one out later today. You've been talking about wanting a pup and with you being home the next few months I figured this is the best time to get one so we have time to train it."

Hailee jumps and throws her arms around you squeezing you tight.
"Omg really? We are getting a puppy today?!?" She squealed out in excitement pretty loudly in your ear.

"Yes we are and then we are going on a shopping spree for all the puppy needs for your house and mine!" You say as Hailee starts to release from her hug.

"Well actually, that is something I wanted to talk to you about...." Hailee's voice trailed off at the end nervously.

"I mean we don't have to get anything for my house, I mean this is your puppy, I'm getting it for you." You say trying to correct what you thought you said wrong.

"No no not that. I have a friend that is coming here for work and she was looking for places to stay and we got on the topic that since I am rarely home because of work or I'm with you, that maybe it would be a win win for everyone.... If maybe... " Hailee started to stutter her words with slight pauses showing how anxious she was to say what she needed to say.

"Hey whatever it is you can tell me. Nothing to be nervous about." You reassure her grabbing her hands in yours.

"I was thinking that maybe I can move in here with you and let my friend sublease my place while she is here for work since she doesn't really have a timeline of how long she'd be here so it is making finding a place hard on her." Hailee quickly said the rest and instantly looked away in fear of seeing the reaction on your face. You get up off the couch and walk over to the front hall near the front door.

"Don't leave, you're allowed to say no, its ok I don't have to move in here."  Hailee panicked. You open the top drawer of the stand near the entrance of your house and grab out a keychain with two keys on it. Walking back over you sit down next to Hailee and offer her the keys.

"The gold key is for the mailbox and the silver key is for the front door. It also works on the back door as well but the back door tends to stick a little so you kind of have to giggle it to unlock it. I will start working on clearing out half of the walk in closet in the bedroom. If you end up needing more space we can always use the walk in closet in the office. I'll just have to shuffle around some boxes so its more organized." You say without hesitation or second thought.

"Really?" Hailee said almost with a sad puppy dog look on her face.

"Of course, why would I not want to live with you? It would make it so much easier to see each other and not have to juggle between two places and on your busy days I'd at least be able to wake up next to you and fall asleep next to you."  Hailee places her hands gently along your jawline and neck as she pulls you in for a kiss cutting you off from saying anything else.  When you lips part your foreheads remain touching as you both take a breathe.

"I love you so much" Hailee whispers her lips just brushing yours as she speaks.

"I love you more" you reply.

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