What's The Commotion

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  Aside from the week being absolutely eventful, this weekend has more to offer. With the time you've taken to think things over, you've realized that the outcome with for the best. You decided not to get too caught up in your emotions and the ache you've been experiencing from your heart. Even though your feelings towards Aizawa hasn't changed, you were prepared to let those emotions turn to a boost to help Aizawa as a friend.

To your surprise, there has been progress to the slightest degree. Another day at UA granted new
opportunities for the both of you to communicate or reach out to each other. During lunch break you usually spend your time with the students while Aizawa prepares for his next lecture. Today the flow of the typical schedule shifted. While walking towards the teachers lounge, you unexpectedly bump into Aizawa in the break room to fixing himself a bit of coffee. The only reason you were in there is to grab the lunch you packed and head towards the cafeteria. It isn't like you HAVE to be there, you just enjoy watching over the students in their authentic nature. Even though you'll be instructing their next period, the students usually offer for you to sit near them to join in if you chose to.

Aizawa just happened to glance up to notice your figure, his eyes locking with your eyes. Out of respect you smile and gave him a response. "Good afternoon, Aizawa." You said as you directed yourself toward the refrigerator, kneeling to prepare reaching for the small bag of produce. Aizawa's reply was delayed but, eventually he commented back. After that you weren't too sure what to say or how to say it. After the situation sparked, the tension and confusion remained stagnant. It killed you to know but you understood due to the circumstances it'd be best to observe. You managed to grab your lunch bag, regaining balance to stand followed by closing the refrigerator door.

Aizawa leans against the counter of the sink, listening to the grinding and crushing of the coffee beans. Before you could say or do anything else, he decided to take this time to slide information to you. "I never got the chance to give you a direct response or properly relay my message regarding our situation," He said, his irritated eyes shift on your body frame to your orbs. At first you thought it was relating to work but, you figured out why he worded it carefully. "I truthfully wasn't going to enhance the issue. If you'd like, we can discuss this further after hours? If it's a extended conversation, we could meet at my place or call if that's comfortable." You said, rather mindful of other teachers possibly dropping in on the conversation.

Aizawa made a audible sound as the machine stopped, the steaming water pouring through the grinded beans to form coffee. "That seems reasonable." He said to you before the words of Presentation Mic echoed the halls followed by King Vlad's voice. The conversation altered to discussing the teens. Truthfully a very important day for you personally. Nezu confirmed today's training will be best for you to bond by working in their abilities and piggy backing off of information Aizawa has already mentioned. This is a big deal because there are many possibilities that can come from this. Before Aizawa could get the words out his mouth, Presentation Mic walks in to greet the two of you.

"Hey Y/N, I hear the students are excited about finally having a training session with you. Nervous?" He asked while grabbing a water bottle from the cabinet.  You shook your head and chuckled at the loud blonde, "Not nervous. A little worried. Not many students have metaphysical quirks so, it'll be a new experience for all of us." You admitted to your best friend, grinning at him. Presentation Mic walked over to you and gave you a pat on the back, he absolutely held you a high regard. That's apart of why you are in your current position. "It's a big deal so don't stress yourself. That'll do more harm than good," He said before distancing himself from you.

Aizawa at this point was sipping his coffee, all he did was listen to the conversation. He had a few thoughts regarding who you are and what's your influence on class 1-A. Although he knows you, he doesn't know the full extent to your quirk or as a person in general. The next period would be the time to discover or have a revelation about you in general.
You stepped towards the door and look back at the two men, "Well, I have about 15 minutes until next period. I'm going to go head to the cafeteria to watch over them." You said before existing the room, the sound of your heels the only sign of your presence.

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