Chapter 8, Takoyaki Demon

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_Author Pov_

"Kuroo, Are we there yet?" Y/n asked her crow, tired of walking. " Why can't we just run? It'd be faster that way!"

"We have arrived, master!!" Kuroo cawed.

In front of them is a huge lake, the water looks very 'fishy'. You laughed at your own joke.

"I sense two demons under the water" you said, taking a stance. Kanao took a fighting stance too, it seems that she senses something unusual as well.

Suddenly, a giant octopus-like thingy comes out of the water. It was standing on the water and tentacles started appearing from the water and start attacking both of you. Then another demon appeared. It looks like a snake.

"I will handle that octopus! Nee-san, can you handle the snake please?" You said, smiling. She nodded at you.

The demon looks like it only relies on his strength, the all brawns and no brain type of person. Those types of people are really easy to make them angry, once you make them angry, they let their guard down and become reckless.

" An octopus demon? You'd make takoyaki taste bad." You teased the demon, a habit you got from Shinobu.

The demon seemed to understand your insult but it seems like he can't talk so instead he screeched and release a huge amount of tentacles toward you but you easily dodged them.

"You need to try harder or be more powerful to kill me or else you will be the one who got killed." You said, amused at the sight.



Before he can do anything, you dashed at him and delivered a single thrust of poison toward his neck. The demon seemed too stunned at your speed but suddenly he looks like he snapped back to reality and quickly feel his neck and see some blood in his hand, a few droplets of blood fell into his palm as well.

'Insect of bee sting....true flutter....' You jerked your sword to get rid of the blood and sheathed the sword back to the scabbard.

He looks at you then laughed, attempt to mock you although it failed miserably.

Then, he started screeching of pain and it was pretty loud that you have to cover your ear. After a while, the screeching stopped. You look at him and he's already dead.

" Aww I was expecting more but turns out you're pretty weak," you said, insulting last time before he's dead.

You found yourself in the middle of the lake standing on a rock. You have no idea how to get back to the shore. You look at the body of the octopus demon and suddenly got an idea as a light bulb appears beside you.

"Oops!sorry!" Although you don't sound very sorry...You exclaimed as you step on the body and use it to jump to the shore.

And there's kanao waiting for you at the shore. It looks like she already defeated the snake demon. She's really strong,isn't she?

"Thank you for waiting,nee-san!" You innocently exclaimed like you didn't just kill the demon.

She nodded at you and start walking away. It's a sign from her that said " You did great". You have lived with her long enough to understand what she meant even though she doesn't say anything unless necessary.

You ran after her. " Let's go eat something before going home!" You said,wanting eat something after a not very long fight.

"Master said she will be waiting for dinner." kanao replied.

"A snack won't hurt,right? Plus,i still have plenty rooms in my stomach!" You responded back.

This time,she finally agree with you. You celebrated in your head because it's really hard to convince her.

" YAY!" you said,almost jumping. "You're the best!nee-san!" You exclaimed as you jumped forward to hug her. Surprisingly,she hugged back and it makes you very happy.

You always hug her every time you had the chance but she never hug back because she doesn't know how to respond to your hug. You and Shinobu were very worried about her She had a rough past and she need love because of how her own family treated her.And it seems what she said was true because past years of living together,you both become very close and kanao is slowly opening up to you,but not just you to others too.

And you were glad to be the person that changed kanao.


_Taisho Secret_

Shinobu is y/n's role model, she really admires her!



Butterflies 【K.Tanjiro】On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara