Chapter 42, Poison vs Poison

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_Author Pov_

'' Is there an antinode? ''

Tanjiro asks as you nod and put the flask inside your bag. You then scearch for the antinode. '' Let me. '' Tanjiro said as he took the bag from you and starts scearching. He pull out a flask which contain a blue liquid. '' Is this the one? '' You nodded and Tanjiro poured the liquid on your wound. ' So, the antinode was too weak for the poison huh? ' You thought as Tanjiro panics when the poison hasn't gone away yet. ' This is a good thing for me but not for Uzui-sama. Should I make a new antinode? I'm afraid I don't have enough ingredient. ' You look up to see Tanjiro starting to tear up. You wipe the fallen tears off him with your hand as you smile at him, Tanjiro squeezes you hand and keep it close to his face. '' Don't worry. Let's go help Uzui-sama. '' You said as you stood up. '' Y/n! You can rest here! We'll handle the rest! Control your breathing and slow down the poison. '' Tanjiro exclaims. '' Tanjiro-kun, we're in the middle of a battle, I can't rest. I can still fight. '' Before Tanjiro gets to protest, you dash at the battlefield. Tanjiro can only just follows after you with worries weighted in his chest.


You stopped the slashes at the Tengen as Tanjiro stopped from other side. You all keep attacking each other as Tanjiro strikes at Gyutaro but his blade was stopped by the sashes. You also try to behead him but he strike at you, making you twist your body in mid-air to dodge and distant yourself from him. The sashes attack Tanjiro which you help him cut them. ' He's going to black out sooner or later. What should I do? What can it do to help? ' You thought as you both slash and dodge type sashes.

You two notice Hinatsuru releases loads of kunai at the demon. '' We have to help them! '' Tanjiro exclaims as you two dash at the demon. ' He already neutralized the poison! ' You thought as you stopped on your track and pulled both Tengen and Tanjiro back.

'' Blood Demon Art....Rotating Circular Slashes...Flying Blood Scythes! ''

' Slashing us without swinging....over a wide range too. ' Tengen thought as he dash at the demon again. '' Sound Breathing...Fourth Form...Constant Resounding Slashes! '' The two clash as your eyes follow every move, observing to see if there's an opening which there doesn't seems to be one.

' The demon disappeared! ' You thought as you three quickly look around, alarmed. Hinatsuru warned Tengen about the sashes coming his way which Tengen dodged. '' Don't mind me, Tengen-sama! Go look for the de- '' You all widen your eyes as Gyutaro grabs her. '' You have a lot of nerve. I'm sure going to mind you, you hear me? ''

'' Hinatsuru! '' Tengen yells in worry, he goes to rescue her but the sashes block him. Tanjiro and you both dash at the demon with Tanjiro combine both Water Breathing and Hinokami Kagura to attack Gyutaro and successfully saves Hinatsuru.

'' Insect Breathing...Dance of the Dragonfly...Compound Eye Hexagon! ''
You dashes at Gyutaro, making a large dent on the ground, and aim for his heart, neck, torso which you started stabbing him rapidly with incredibly high-speed. Gyutaro manage to swings his sickle at you but you twist your body mid-air and successfully dodge the attack, furthermore finish off with one powerful thrust on his chest, breaking the roof. ' I aimed for his neck but the poison is distracting me. ' You thought as you distant yourself from him.

' Shit, is that wisteria? ' Gyutaro got alarmed. ' Nothing happened yet. The poison is probably too weak.... ' Gyutaro came out of the house  and charges at both Tanjiro and you. '' What an incredible speed!  Unfortunately, you can't take me down with poison that little! '' 

You smirked, that's what you're going for. Make him let his guard down so the poison can spread. ' No, you're done for. You just absorbed 3kg of Wisteria Poison, so you'll die sooner or later even if we are defeated. ' You thought as you two stopped his attack. Both Tengen and Tanjiro aims for his neck in opposite side but the neck was shielded by both of his sickles. The demon releases his Blood Demon Art again. Hinatsuru helps Tanjiro in pulling his blade out while you help Tengen. Both you and Tengwn were blown away along with Gyutaro.

'' Y/n! Uzui-san! ''

'' Tengen-sama! Y/n-chan! ''

You three attack and clash each other as Tanjiro and the others deal with the sashes. Your attacks slightly slow down as you start to feel dizzy. You look at your arm and saw the poison has spread your whole other side. 

'' Watch out! '' Tengen yelled as he stopped the attack aims at you. ' This is bad. The poison in her is spreading faster than mine. We've to finish this quickly! '


_Taisho Secret_

Y/n's stabbing and thrusting strength is enough to destroy four boulders with only one strike.


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