Chapter 36, Red Light District

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_Author Pov_

Tanjiro charges at him preparing to headbutt him which the Hashira has disappeared into thin air.

'' You're a fool. I am Lord Tengen, former shinobi. A flashy Man reown around these parts. Do you really think I would fall for your measly headbutt? ''

The Sound Hashira said as he looks down at Tanjiro and the others.

'' Let's Y/n and the others go! You lousy kidnapper! '' Tanjiro yelled at him, with Kanao and the sisters besides him agreeing with him. '' You heard him! You heard him! ''

'' Just what do you think you're doing?! '' Tanjiro yells again with the others agreeing. '' Hentai! Hentai! ''

You softly gripped Aoi's trembling hand. '' Calm down. Don't worry, everything will be alright. '' You softly muttered. '' Y/n.... '' Aoi wiped her tears and gives you a strain smile. '' Thank you. '' You returned her smile with a gentle and reassuring smile.

'' Hey, you two! Who do you think you are talking to, dammit? I'm your superior! I'm a Hashira, dammit! '' Uzui got irked and yelled at them. '' I don't acknowledge you as a Hashira! Hmph! ''

'' Don't ' Hmph' me! Who cares if you don't acknowledge me?! You little bottom-feeder! Did your brain matter explode or what!? ''

' He's so loud for a Shinobi.....It's hurting my ears. ' You thought.

'' I'm taking these three because I need some female corps members for a mission! And I don't need permission from Kocho to take anyone who's not a Tsuguko! '' The Hashira yelled which make you irked.

'' Naho-chan isn't a member of the corps! Can't you see she's not wearing a uniform? ''

'' That's right! And! Can't you see that I'm a Tsuguko too?! Or perhaps...are you becoming so old that you forgot I'm one? '' You smirked at the man before you.

'' Why you little- '' Tengen yelled at you and bonk you in the head which you glare at the man. He then pick up Naho and carelessly throw her away which Tanjiro catches her. '' I don't need her then. ''

'' How could you do something like this?! You inhuman being?! ''

'' He dropped me!! '' Naho cried.

'' For now, I am going to take these two on a mission. Not like one of them looks like she'll be any of use. But somehow, she's a corps member. '' Tengen commented which makes you fill with absolute rage.

'' People has their own reasons. Don't be insensitive about it. '' Tanjiro retorted back. '' Give back Y/n and Aoi! ''

'' Lame. So lam- ''

'' HOW DARE YOU TALK TO AOI-CHAN LIKE THAT?! IT'S FOR HER TO DECIDE IF SHE WANT TO FIGHT OR NOT!! WHO ARE YOU TO DECIDE!! DIE! YOU UNFLASHY OLD MAN! DIE! '' You yelled as you kicked him where the sun don't shine, dropping you in process.

'' Y/n! '' Tanjiro catches you and you smiled up at him. '' Thanks for catching me! '' Tanjiro tighten his grip on you.

'' You little idiot! I was holding back because you are a girl! HOW DARE YOU CALL ME UNFLASHY?! THE UNFLASHY ONES ARE YOU! ALL OF YOU! '' You stick out your tongue at him when he was yelling at all of you, making him even more mad.

' Haha, the angry looks in people's faces are the most amusing thing in the world. ' You smirked when you saw him getting even more angry.

Tanjiro tenses up when he saw Tengen coming for you. '' Wait! We'll go in place of Aoi and Y/n. '' He said as he cover you figure with his body, protecting you.

'' What do you mean by 'we' ? ''

Suddenly, Zenitsu and Inosuke appear beside Tanjiro and you. ' What a flashy entrance. ' You thought but suddenly halt and shivers. ' I definitely need to avoid him after this mission. ' Just the thought of Tengen rubbing off on you, makes you shivers in fear.

'' What's going on, you three? Do you have something to say? '' Tengen questions.

'' I just got back this second, but I have power to spare! I'll be glad to go! '' Inosuke proudly states.

'' Y-y-y-y-you l-let Aoi-chan go! Y-you may be muscular but I'm not b-b-b-backing down. '' Zenitsu points at him, threatening him while stuttering on his threats.

'' Is that right? Then I guess I'll take you with me. '' Tengen finally said.

' You just back down like that, huh? ' Tanjiro thought.

'' BUT!! '' A booming voice startled all of you. Suddenly, you were snatched away from Tanjiro by Tengen.

' why '

'' I am taking this one anyways. '' Tengen smugly stated.

'' But you promised- '' Tanjiro retorted but got shot down by Tengen again. '' I never promised you anything. '' Tanjiro gritted his teeth.

'' Well, okay then. I will come with you. '' You sigh, tired of this argument.

Tengen smirked and Tanjiro frowned worriedly.

'' But remember this..Don't defy me! ''
He declares as he spank Aoi's butt,  making you irked again. '' How dare you touch Aoi-chan like that?! You miserable pervert! '' 

'' Shut up! You little idiot! ''


You four prepare to leave as the others see you off.

'' He's gigantic. '' Zenitsu shivered.

'' So, where are we going, old man? '' Inosuke asked.

'' The number one spot in Japan that's dripping with lust and desire. A super flashy place. The Entertainment District where demons reside. ''


_Taisho Secret_

Y/n once mispoke a syllable and called Sanemi  'a rat' .


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