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"Mommy, mommy!" Leon squealed as he landed on Mia's stomach. She smiled and embraced her little boy whom she loved dearly.

"Good morning, baby. How did you sleep?" She asked him.

"Good, mommy. I brushed my teeth and dressed." Leon said. Mia looked at his clothes to see that he switched sides of his shirt.

She helped him do his shirt properly before heading to the bathroom to do her morning necessities. Her face was already showing dark bags under her eyes and a tired look as a result of sleepless nights.

Being a single mother was hard. She had to take care of her little boy who was only five and she worked 10 hours shift to provide for them. Thanks to her friend Laura, she could manage to work and bring up a baby.

She pulled up a ponytail and applied a touch of concealer under her eyes to cover up her bags. When she finished, she got ready with dressing up and headed to make them breakfast.

Leon already waited in the kitchen with the backpack for school that Mia arranged the night before. Leon was such a good child and had a great understanding of his mother's job.

"What would you like to have for today's breakfast, Mr. Santiago?" Mia asked teasingly making him giggle.

"I want chocolate waffles, please."

"Chocolate waffles coming right up." She chuckled as she started making a batter.

While making their breakfast, they sang songs like every morning which made Leon happy. He loved his mom and he loved when she spent time with him.

"Here are your waffles," Mia said putting the plate with waffles cut into pieces so Leon could eat them easily.

"Thank you, mommy." He smiled as he dug in.

"Would you mind if you stay with aunt Laura after school until mommy comes from work?" She asked him.

"Okay, mommy." He agreed, feeling a little down that he won't meet his mom after school but he also liked spending time with Laura.

"Thank you, baby." She smiled in relief.

They hurried to finish their breakfast so Leon won't be late for school. She helped him get in the back of their old car and clasped his seatbelt. Mia urged to reach on time but still being careful while driving.

Once they reached school, Mia got out to lead him towards the entrance. She crouched to his level and plastered a big kiss on his cheek.

"Be a good boy and listen to your teachers, alright?" He nodded. She looked in her son's dark hazel eyes finding it fairly similar to the man who was with her that night when Leon was conceived. She wanted to meet him again so he at least would see his son, but she didn't know who he was.

"See you later, mommy," Leon said as she snapped out of her thoughts and waved him. The little boy ran inside the school to get on his first class.

Mia was again with her thoughts about the man who took her virginity that night and disappeared the next morning. She didn't know why but she was a stupid 19-year-old girl back then. No one would ever think about Mia having a one-night stand when she was such a good girl all her life.

But she could never forget him and the butterflies she felt when she first saw him. He seemed like a dangerous man but she wanted him nonetheless. Even for one night, she felt more alive than ever which brought her where she is now.

Since then, she couldn't even think about having anyone when the mysterious man was the only one occupying her mind. And she didn't like the thought of using another guy to forget him. It would be unfair.

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