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A cold shower woke Mia completely from her dreamy state. As in every day, she was getting ready for work while Leon waited with the ready backpack. He loved that Spiderman backpack more than anything.

Mia wrapped a towel around her and went to get dressed. She put on clean undies and her usual jeans-shirt outfit. Her long hair cascaded her back in its usual waves.

"Mommy, are you done? I'm waiting for too long." Leon whined from the door exaggerating 'too' when it has only been 20 minutes.

"I'm coming." She chuckled and put on her shoes quickly. Leon smiled cheekily and ran down the stairs.

Mia made a quick toast for him to eat as his lunch box was already ready. Then they rushed to the bus station. She started saving up for the car when she got it checked by the mechanic. The cost would be 500$ which was half of her payment.

The bus left them near the station where Leon's school was. Luckily, they weren't late. They walked to the entrance where Mia peppered Leon's face with kisses.

"Be good in school and listen to your teachers, alright?" Leon nodded when the squeaky voice in front of him made him smile.

"Leon!" The little blonde girl ran to him and hugged him.

"Hi, Barbie!"

"Barbara, don't go running off." Mia turned to see another blonde woman with hazel eyes. The little girl was an identical copy of the woman.

"I'm sure they missed each other." Mia chuckled.

"I'm sure they did. Hello, I'm Ivona, Barbara's mom. She is new in the school.'' Ivona shook hands with Mia giving her a warm smile.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Mia, Leon's mom.''

"Likewise. Do you want something to ask Mia, Barbara?" Ivona smiled.

"Auntie Mia, can Leon come to my birthday party today?" She blushed. Mia awwed at the little girl and stroked her cheek softly.

"Of course. Happy birthday, Barbie."

"Thank you." Both kids squealed in happiness.

"Better go to school now. Be good." Ivona warned playfully. They waved and ran off inside.

"She was excited for a whole week for her birthday and she wanted to invite Leon," Ivona explained.

"She is very sweet and well mannered. I'm sure they are already best friends.'' Mia smiled and looked at her watch. She gasped when she realized she missed a bus.

"What's wrong?" Ivona asked seeing her troubled face.

"I missed a bus to my workplace."

"I thought it was something more serious. I can drive you." Ivona chuckled and pulled Mia to her car.

"I don't want to trouble you." Mia resisted.

"What trouble? It's better if you arrive on time and I don't have to rush anywhere so it's all good." Ivona reassured her as they both entered the car.

"Thank you, Ivona. It means a lot." Mia smiled in relief.

''So, Mia, how old are you? Because your body is killing it. And we are both gave birth which is unfair to me.'' Ivona set her lips into a pout making Mia laugh.

''I'm 24, but it's all stress, you know?'' Mia shrugged.

''Oh, you gave birth early to Leon. He is a wonderful child, Mia. You raised him right.'' Ivona said.

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