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Mia's POV

We were home. Finally.

Everything was going great and I couldn't be happier. I was finally with my two boys together and everything seems to fall in its place. I realized how lucky I am to have them in my life. People realize how important is something until they almost lose it.

"Baby, how are you doing?" August asked me as he sat on the bed next to me.

"I'm bored," I replied.

"I'm sorry that I can't fix it. Do you want to eat something?" I looked at him angrily.

"Is that all you can ask? You're feeding me like some whale so I might become one soon." I said as I started crying and turned my back on him.

"I'm sorry. But you need to feed our baby too." He said and wrapped his arm around me. I was mad at him but I snuggled in him because I loved it.

"Can you hear how is calling? Mommy, give me some food." He said in the baby's voice. I chuckled and wiped my cheeks. I have been unnecessary crying for a few days now but August understands.

"I am hungry but I just threw a tantrum. Sorry." I said and pecked his cheek.

"I know, you little drama queen." He teased and pinched my cheek. I laughed and he joined me. He had a beautiful laugh.

"Did you know that you are very attractive with tattoos?" I fooled. He lifted his eyebrow and smirked.

"Well, yes. Ladies love it." He proudly said. I punched his shoulder.

"What ladies, Mister?" I asked angrily.

"Did I say, ladies? No no. I meant a lady which is you." He covered up quickly and kissed me.

"You better," I warned. He suddenly propped on his butt and pulled me up with him. He placed a pillow behind my back to make me comfortable and removed his shirt halfway. I was confused by his actions.

"I did something. I hope you like it. Actually, I did two things." He smiled.

"What did you do?" He responded to me by removing his shirt completely. My eyes went to his chest as I gasped.

"Do you like it?" He asked. I nodded my head as my hand went to his chest. He tattooed my name with the date of the night when we first met five years ago.

"I love it," I whispered and wrapped my arms around his neck. He hugged me tightly and it was all I ever needed.

"If it wasn't for you, I would never experience fatherhood and what it's like to be in love. I love you so much, baby." He said. I didn't know if I would cry or be happy.

"I love you too. More than you can imagine." I pulled away and kissed him passionately.

"But I have another surprise." He said and turned around. I gasped once again for what was on his back.

"You did this? It's amazing, August. Have you shown to Leon?" I asked.

"I have. He liked it and thanked me for whatever reason." August chuckled.

"Will you tattoo the face of our second baby too?" I chuckled.

"I will." He grinned.

"It's beautiful, love. Your tattoo artist must be Pablo Picasso." I chuckled.

"He is good at what he is doing and all my tattoos are made by him. I'm glad you love it." He said as he turned around.

"Mia, you are everything I wanted and much more. You know what I do and what am I truly like. I'm sorry for what I have done to you in the past. The biggest regret of mine is not finding you sooner. But I will make it up for those five years you were alone. I swear that I'm going to be with you for the rest of my life. I love you." He said.

And I cried again. Damn hormones.

"This sounds like the proposal." I sobbed. He chuckled.

"Well, maybe it is." He said making me look up. My eyes widened when he reached into his pocket. He looked at me weirdly before starting to search both of his pockets.

"Shit. Wait for me, baby." He panicked and rushed out of the room. It's not like I could move anywhere.

A few moments later, he barged into the room again holding a small box. I chuckled seeing his relieved face.
"I almost thought I lost. It fell out of my pocket in the hallway." He smiled and sat on the bed.

"You're so silly, August." I laughed.

"So, I should continue." He cleared his throat and began talking again.

"Mia, will you marry me?" He asked, opening the box with the diamond ring inside. It was so beautiful and perfect.

"Yes, love. Of course, I will marry you." I smiled as he slid the ring on my finger. He kissed me gently as I wrapped my arms around his torso. He was amazing. This was amazing.

"We need to tell Leon," I said.
"At the dinner," August noted.


"Mommy! I played with Barbie." Leon said while bouncing on the bed.

"I see that. Did you have fun?" I chuckled seeing his dirty clothes. They obviously played in the backyard.

"Yes, we did. Barbie has a pool and sand from the beach. We built a castle, but auntie Ivona didn't allow us to swim because the weather wasn't warm. Can I go tomorrow too?" He pleaded.

"Of course baby. As long as auntie Ivona isn't bothered, okay? You need to behave well." I said. He nodded and kissed my cheek.

"Mommy, I want you to play with us too. How long are you staying in the bed?" He pouted and laid on my chest.

"Two more weeks, baby. And if the doctor says your brother or sister is okay, I will play with you as long as you like." I explained.

"Okay, mommy."

"Wow, cuddling without me? I feel betrayed." August stood in the doorway with crossed arms. He looked hot in the suit.

"Papa!" Leon squealed and flung himself in his arms. Luckily, August picked him up on time before he fell on the floor.

"Where did you get so dirty?" August teased, kissing his cheek. Aww.

"I played with Barbie in the sand." Leon chuckled.

August sat on the bed with Leon and reached to kiss me.
"Was work good?" I asked.
"It was okay."

"Leon, we need to tell you something," August said. Jeez, he should have been more patient.

"What?" He asked curiously while playing with August's tie. He tried wrapping it around his head. Silly kid.

"Mommy and papa are getting married soon." He looked up and smiled.

"Teacher told us marriage is when two people love each other forever. Is that it, mommy?" He asked happily.

"Something like that." I chuckled.

"Are you happy?" August asked.

"Yes, papa." He agreed.

"Good, because it's time for the bath," August said and put Leon over his shoulder.

"Careful!" I called out hearing giggles and laughter.


Thank you for voting and commenting. This is the last chapter before the epilogue.

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