Chapter 1 - Prologue I

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That's how many tanks were left.

There were ten at the start of the match, and nine just six and a half minutes ago.

Now there was a Sherman and a Locust.

And five tanks from the other team.

Inside the Locust, the commander cowered with a 37mm round in her lap. By seniority, she was in charge now and she was supposed to fight against a team that outnumbered hers and actually knew what they were doing. The other team was from D.C., and they'd claimed to want one last skirmish match to train before they went to the Mid-Atlantic regionals.

More like they wanted to show off an easy win over an amateur team.

A round sailed over the open turret hatch. The commander wailed as the gunner tried to calm her down, to no avail. On the radio, the Sherman commander was asking for orders, but there were none given.

The driver of the Locust spoke up.

"Hey. Patch my mic into the radio. Someone needs to talk to Amanda before she realizes her acting captain is going nuts."

Now the driver was not only driving and in charge of her own tank, but also directing the Sherman.

"Amanda, crest this hill with me but stay hull-down. Let's just get one tank each, alright?"

"Okay. We can do that."

The two tanks peeked their turrets over the dirt in front of them. Amanda identified each target.

"A Sherman 76, two Panzer IV F2s, a Crusader, and a Panther."

"We'll take the Sherman; you take one of the Pz IVs."

The two tanks aimed, and the Sherman fired first. A Panzer was surrounded in smoke. Then the Locust fired, the 37mm round hitting dead in the center of the ball mount for the hull machine gun. Had this been a real war, the gunner inside would have taken shrapnel directly into their chest. Instead, a white flag shot up from the roof of the tank, signifying that it was now out of play. The other tanks fired back as the two slipped back behind the hill.

"Alright Amanda, that's two down. I just need you to deal with the other Pz IV."

"What about the Panther?"

"Neither of us are killing it head-on. We'll get to that later. For now, just hit the IV."

The Locust shot forward as it crested the hill, the turret of the Sherman following. Two of the enemy tanks had been smart enough to move, but the remaining Panzer had been too confident that they would focus on the Panther. Instead, it got a 75mm round in its vertical armor plate.

Now, the Locust was getting close enough to the Crusader. Both the Panther and Crusader missed the tiny moving target that was the Locust. It got within fifty meters of the Crusader and fired directly at the front plate. Another white flag. As the Crusader's flag popped, the Sherman fired on the Panther, drawing its focus away from the Locust. Unfortunately, the Sherman did so too well and took a round into the turret, disabling it.

Now it was a Locust light tank against a Panther medium.

The Locust turned to the Panther and stopped just a few feet away, the crew still focused on making sure the Sherman was out. A round went into its side, burying itself uselessly into the armor. The driver scolded herself as the gunner accepted defeat.

"That was a dumb idea..."

"We're hosed."


"No, we are."

The commander hadn't said a word the entire time and had instead been loading rounds into the breech silently.

Inside the Locust, the driver floored her gas pedal and pulled the tank to the right, putting distance between herself and the Panther.

"What are you doing?! You're putting us into that thing's sights!"

"And then leaving them."

The driver whipped the tank around as the Panther fired again, the shell hitting where the small tank would have been. Another hard acceleration, this time toward the Panther.

"Get ready to fire at the back of the engine deck!"

"Anywhere in particular?"

"Whatever is closest to ninety degrees!"

The Locust passed just feet from the looming German tank, and the driver yanked hard the tiller, spinning the little tank on its axis. The bogies nearly slipped off the track, steel guides grinding into the road wheels. The Panther's driver had tried to turn the tank to face the attacker, but it was too late for the heavier tank to turn far enough.


A Panther might be a scary tank when you're at the front, but it's not meant to fight things that are behind it and that its crew can't see. A white flag flew over the turret.

"That was awesome..."

"Girl, you're insane, you know that?"


AN: Welcome to Foreign Dominion! This story originally started several months ago on, and in anticipation of my 25th chapter, I've finally posted here on Wattpad as well. The main goal for this story is to answer a question I had when I first saw Girls und Panzer: "What if and American-themed team used something other than a bunch of  Shermans?" Hopefully it's entertaining as the story picks up. As of this posting, FD has 24 chapters on FFN, so I'll be adding them pretty frequently here to get caught up.

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